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Sony Cybershot
1/40s f/2.2 at 9.7mm iso100 with Flash full exif

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arminb03-Jan-2007 05:56
love macro work myself (e.g. and this hightech solution is just great :) - thanks for sharing!
cheers, Armin
Guest 28-Feb-2006 11:34
Agree with Bruce: the PRECISION-CUT hole is the super-technological breakthrough here :))

Thanks for sharing David: fantastic results, great images!
Bruce Ward01-Jun-2005 15:20
I think it's the precision cut hole which sells this one.
Guest 03-Sep-2004 08:06
Simple, yet effective.
David F29-Apr-2004 13:49
This was shot with my other camera, a Sony F717. Just a quick snap. Then in Photoshop I did the arrows and text, and I quickly faked the look of the flash going off , just to make it clearer.
Guest 29-Apr-2004 04:17
nice idea! congratulations
but i am also interested to know how you shot this picture. I mean the picture of D70 with flash on. What camera did you use and how did you caputre this shot. Wonderful information on this photo. Well labelled and informative.
David F11-Apr-2004 11:08
No - that is the beauty of it - good old A4 paper ripped from the laserprinter!
Guest 10-Apr-2004 20:58
Any specific type of paper?
Guest 05-Apr-2004 02:53

Great Macro !!!

Thank you so much for the trick ;-)
