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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2023 > Pumpkin Patch
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Pumpkin Patch

Usually don't grow these but in 2022 Rare Seeds sent me a free sample of Kuri Squash.
We enjoyed those so I thought I would do a "Pumpkin Patch".
Last winter I turned the pages of the seed catalog scanning the many
varieties and picked out some fun ones with great reviews.
I don't want to go through it all
The pumpkins up front were grown for the seeds. (Pepitas)
Then there is a mix of Acorn, Butternut, and spaghetti squash that I didn't
plant but got one anyway and some blue hubbard.
The green ones back there are actually pumpkins (We call them "The Ugly Ones".
I got them because people raved about the flavor so I'll have to get back to you on that.
Anyway, I planted all this in a way too small space.
Started them in my neighbor's greenhouse then transplanted them out.
They sat there for a few weeks to lure me into watering and feeding them even more.
When the soil warmed up they started to grow and quickly took over their space.
Sometimes walking by the patch you could almost see the vines growing.
It got to the point we felt we didn't want to turn our backs on it.
"Hey Honey? ... Is that vine moving?"
"It does... look that way.....I am going in the house now..."
"Coffee? Great idea! I'll come with you"

Show & Tell Competition: Pumpkins Full of Charm and Colors

Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max
1/121s f/1.8 at 6.9mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Nirvan Hope20-Oct-2023 04:36
What a bounty of beautiful squash and pumpkins!
laine20-Oct-2023 02:25
Lovely variations of colour size and shape...a very appealing lot. V
Arnie Peterschmidt19-Oct-2023 03:12
Fabulous pumpkin selection, a bumper crop for sure.
Margaret Lew18-Oct-2023 23:42
Congratulations already, your pumpkins & squash are spectacular and you raised them yourself...
larose forest photos18-Oct-2023 17:27
That is quite the bounty of squash!! Love the colours and of course this embodies Autumn. Love your commentary too! V
Dan Greenberg18-Oct-2023 05:01
You definitely crack me up! I didn't even know any pumpkins came in different colors when they are full grown. Great show of the group. ~BV~
joseantonio18-Oct-2023 04:56
lovely display.V
GaleriaFotoStefan18-Oct-2023 04:53
love the vibrant colors, V