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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Adam
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From a commercial shoot this morning, this is Adam, demonstrating his rock-god alter-ego. When you get your record deal, remember who to come to for you publicity shots! ;-)

Canon PowerShot G2
1/15s f/2.2 at 10.7mm (35mm equivalent: 54mm) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 30-Mar-2006 17:50
I love this! :)
Guest 22-Jul-2004 13:28
This is NOT crap! LOL!!
Guest 30-May-2004 06:44
Looks like Lou Reed! Great PAD images.
Guest 21-May-2004 20:16
This has always been a favorite of mind of David's work -- I could very well imagine this on the cover of a CD.