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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Useful Things > Eyeglass Case & Hair Pik
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Carol J Phipps

Eyeglass Case & Hair Pik

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Hugh11-Jan-2023 23:50
Wow - stunning! What was the processing technique?
Mieke WA Minkjan05-Feb-2021 12:51
great work Carol V
like it
Chris04-Feb-2021 20:41
Great lighting.
larose forest photos03-Feb-2021 16:15
Very cool abstract. WOuld never have known what this was without your explanation. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Feb-2021 19:14
So creative work. V.
Julie Oldfield02-Feb-2021 02:22
I like the gritty tones and feel. V
Gill Kopy02-Feb-2021 01:56
A very cool image V
laine01-Feb-2021 22:36
Very much a work of modern art, Carol. Great tones. V
Allan Jay01-Feb-2021 22:13
I like the dark contrasty tones and atmosphere!
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