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Vijay Nanda | all galleries >> Galleries >> Varanasi - This Ghat Life > Varanasi
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21-Jun-2013 © Vijay Nanda


(best seen in original size)From my India Archives
I have always avoided taking pics of beggars and panhandlers in India (or elsewhere)
but for a few and this one is an exception. It disturbed and shook me.
I just froze for a few seconds. It was taken at wee hours of the morning
somewhere in an isolated part of the banks of our holy river Mother Ganges
in the holiest of the holy city of Hindus, the adobe of Shiva.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
cits_4_pets03-Oct-2022 23:42
Very emotional provoking image. So sad. V
Ken Zaret03-Oct-2022 22:28
Powerful and sad image to see a child like this.
carol j. phipps03-Oct-2022 22:16
Winner of 645th Show & Tell on Fragility of Life. Congratulations !
Arnie Peterschmidt29-Sep-2022 04:26
Heartbreaking. Vote
Markus Grompe24-Aug-2021 16:04
alone he is... V.
carol j. phipps22-Aug-2021 14:25
Epic portrait! leaves me breathless and prayerful. Vote
danad13-Jun-2020 08:00
A stunning composition and a very sad image. V.
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