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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Sampling / My Art > I Can’t Breathe!
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2020 Carol J Phipps

I Can’t Breathe!

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Jola Dziubinska14-Jun-2020 22:55
A very impressive image, strong message, excellent processing. Congratulations, Carol. V.
Ken Zaret14-Jun-2020 22:51
Carol, this impressive image wins the 554th PBase Show & Tell Competition: Protest and Defiance. Congratulations on an impactful image!
Julie Oldfield04-Jun-2020 00:37
Very poignant. Very thought provoking. V
Graeme03-Jun-2020 22:41
Beautifully done as always, Carol.V
Allan Jay03-Jun-2020 20:05
A very fitting scene for
these times!
joseantonio03-Jun-2020 17:25
dramatic image for a dramatic scene.V
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