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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> POLAND - MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY >> WARSAW, POLAND >> MODERN FACE OF WARSAW > High In The Sky
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17-Mar-2019 Jola Dziubinska

High In The Sky

Warsaw, Poland

Rondo 1 - offices and conference center, built in 2006, 192m high, 40 floors.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Helen Betts25-Mar-2019 00:37
Very impressive buildings, not what I imagine in Warsaw! V.
Walter Otto Koenig24-Mar-2019 14:55
Nice perspective and lgihting. Very well composed. "V"
John Reynolds LRPS24-Mar-2019 10:40
Impressive modern architecture. V.
Zoltán Balogh24-Mar-2019 09:15
Great perspective and capture Jola! V
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