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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> San Diego >> San Diego 2015 > Sunrise at Seaport Village
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Sunrise at Seaport Village

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
20s f/11.0 at 14.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
carol j. phipps15-Jan-2019 03:48
Congratulations Walter on this winning photo. V
Frank Brault02-Jan-2016 17:19
Magnificent! Gorgeous colors, light and reflections. Superbly composed. V
Pierre30-Dec-2015 17:22
Une scène de nuit remarquable, une image impeccable! V
Julie Oldfield30-Dec-2015 02:07
Wow! Magnificent light and composition. V
Carol Rollins29-Dec-2015 13:34
Wow, this reminds me of those lighted pictures from many years back. This is beautiful.
Yes, frame it and hang it Walter.
bill friedlander29-Dec-2015 00:39
Love the beautiful blue tones and the mirror surface of the water. V
Graeme28-Dec-2015 23:33
A wonderful sunrise, Walter. The reflections and perspective are excellent and the details superb.VV
Ton T.28-Dec-2015 20:59
Stunning image! Love the colors and reflections V++
Allan Jay28-Dec-2015 19:48
Spectacular scene, favourite as well!
Tom LeRoy28-Dec-2015 19:40
A magical scene, the colors are a delight as are the reflections. Perfectly exposed and composed. V
Colin Storey28-Dec-2015 19:31
Stunning early morning scene, love those reflections.
Neil Marcus28-Dec-2015 19:15
Of the two views this is my preference. What a beatiful city this is ! "V"
Gerard Koehl28-Dec-2015 18:56
Encore une petite merveille. V
laine28-Dec-2015 17:49
Perfectly clear and sharp...excellent compo, Walter.V
joseantonio28-Dec-2015 17:28
Magical reflections.V
carabias28-Dec-2015 17:03
Suprema fotografía, Walter! Bv+++
Jim Coffman28-Dec-2015 16:51
AWESOME!!! Frame it and hang it!!!
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