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John Lamb | all galleries >> Galleries >> People in New Zealand > At the end of the road.
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01-OCT-2014 © J Lamb 2014

At the end of the road.

Albion Arcade, George Street, Dunedin.

Submitted for the monthly challenge O's

FujiFilm X-E2 ,FujiFilm XF60mm F2.4 R Macro
1/1000s f/3.6 at 14.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Cindi Smith06-Oct-2014 03:05
Growing old together. Love it! :) V
Janice Dunn03-Oct-2014 04:40
Good find John. They are certainly going strong there
LynnH03-Oct-2014 00:58
Oh, I do like this PoV and lines. They are in stride with one another. :) V
Colin Storey02-Oct-2014 19:09
Fantastic candid, great timing. v
Walter Otto Koenig02-Oct-2014 14:47
Well titled and photographed. Still they show the determination to keep moving on. "V"
Guest 02-Oct-2014 14:40
Two for the road, a companionable journey. Great image. V
J. Scott Coile02-Oct-2014 14:16
It can be a struggle...
Stephanie02-Oct-2014 14:13
How sweet! We should all be so lucky to grow old together! V
globalgadabout02-Oct-2014 13:39
an absorbing perspective...the elderly pair look determined enough..
Paco López02-Oct-2014 09:34
Very good tottle for this excellent shot! V!
Sandra Cooper02-Oct-2014 09:31
Terrific photo, John.
Maaike Huizer02-Oct-2014 07:44
But still going strong. Super. V
Terry Sprague02-Oct-2014 01:40
Superb capture John. V
Neil Marcus02-Oct-2014 01:15
Sobering title (double entendre ?) Good shot! 'V"
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