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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pieces of Time > gears
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Winner 297th Show & Tell Competition: Macro and Close-Up

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pawel Kazmierczyk30-Mar-2015 21:35
fantastic compo! Looks like you need to go digital also with a watch now... :)
Dennis Camp30-Oct-2013 00:20
Nice capture Peter, congrats.
Markus Grompe29-Oct-2013 14:25
Congratulations Arn. You keep on winning
fotabug05-Feb-2013 04:01
Great idea, well executed.
Guest 04-Feb-2013 13:50
Now reassemble with your eyes closed. V
SRW04-Feb-2013 10:02
Gorgeous detail and focus... -- what amazing intricacies us human beings can create...!
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