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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> HUNGARY >> BEAUTY OF BUDAPEST > Parliament Building Under Stormy Sky
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16-OCT-2012 Jola Dziubinska

Parliament Building Under Stormy Sky

Budapest, Hungary

After almost all day of heavy rain, at the late afternoon suddenly sun appeared in western sky. It wonderfuly illuminated the other side of Danube river and the Parliament building.

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/1000s f/7.1 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Ewart Jr29-Jun-2020 11:15
You aced this Jola with perfect lighting!!!!!!!!!!
Chris Spracklen28-Jun-2020 20:16
Magnificent shot, Jola.
Michel CORBOZ28-Jun-2020 00:25
Very beautiful !V
carol j. phipps23-Jun-2020 22:11
Congratulations for this photo receiving First place in the #555 pBase Show & Tell Photo Competition. Well deserved.
Ken Zaret23-Jun-2020 14:50
Awesome photo, dramatic light.
endre novak03-Dec-2012 22:38
nice lights you had.
Tom Munson29-Nov-2012 23:23
Absolutely outstanding, Jola! The light and that sky are over the top.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-Nov-2012 18:21
Stunning image with these light and sky, Vote.
Zoltán Balogh11-Nov-2012 14:17
Wow...dramatic! V
Fred Parsons11-Nov-2012 07:22
Beautiful Shot. So you are in Budapest and Tomasz is in Malta? ;-)
Gerard Koehl11-Nov-2012 07:13
Wow... C'est l'une des plus belles photos que j'ai vue du parlement. V
John Vass11-Nov-2012 03:16
Wow! Very nice Jola!
Nirvan Hope11-Nov-2012 01:16
Wow, what dramatic lighting on this beautiful architecture.
Johnny JAG10-Nov-2012 20:39
Fantastic contrast
Chris10-Nov-2012 20:27
The lighting is just beautiful.
MarcViskens10-Nov-2012 19:59
very pretty shot
nice light
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