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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Art (Decorative Graffiti Art) > 2012 - Native Dancer - Evergreen Brick Works - Toronto, Ontario - Canada
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John de Freitas

2012 - Native Dancer - Evergreen Brick Works - Toronto, Ontario - Canada

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Mieke WA Minkjan23-Dec-2015 07:04
wonderful catch f the dancer against that background, creating both (the dancer and the graffiti) a beautiful piece of art
larose forest photos19-Dec-2015 02:38
An intriguing and artfully photographed image. V
LynnH19-Dec-2015 00:52
Interesting and colorful! V
Jola Dziubinska19-Dec-2014 00:35
Fantastic image, John, congratulations! V.
Julie Oldfield25-Nov-2014 02:57
This is fantastic. The contrast between the traditional dress and the background is very thought provoking. V
Jude Marion17-Nov-2014 05:55
Pieter Bos20-Jun-2014 15:20
Cool! Great colors. ~V
GP Merfeld09-Aug-2013 23:40
Such a fantastic image! Congratulations!
Jasja van Leeuwen08-Aug-2013 19:06
Fantastic! I love all the different contrasting elements.
Jeff Gegner14-Sep-2012 19:41
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