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Margaret Lew | all galleries >> Italia - Italy 2012 >> Mantua - Mantova > Fontana at Piazza Virgiliana
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Fontana at Piazza Virgiliana


Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/1250s f/7.1 at 19.6mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marcel de Jong30-Mar-2024 18:01
701st Show & Tell Competition: Accidental Art: Patterns and compositions found in the mundane - WINNER
Andrys Basten08-Apr-2012 22:30
That's a beautiful abstract-like shot. I love the blue gray of the water reflecting some of it.
Karen Mickleson27-Mar-2012 01:10
This one is really beautiful to me, Margaret. Lower ice looks like crystals. Very artistic.