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All Saints Spitalfields

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Canon EOS 40D
1/100s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso320 full exif

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January Grey09-Dec-2011 07:13
Makes one feel like sewing ;) Nicely composed & captured, Stephanie. Great silhouettes in an unexpected place! V~
carol j. phipps09-Dec-2011 05:09
slhoornstra09-Dec-2011 04:49
Fine composition, great use of BW and available light. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Dec-2011 22:23
Excellent work as always! BV
Colin Storey08-Dec-2011 20:48
Great image, the silhouettes are perfect. v
Blandine Mangin08-Dec-2011 18:24
superbe composition Stéphanie ! v
Carl H. Johnson08-Dec-2011 18:10
Such a unique image......having your own sewing machines LOL. This is so great in B/W!!!! ~V~
Martin Lamoon08-Dec-2011 16:40
I remember it well! Windows full of sewing machines in this clothes shop. Like the point you have shot this from it makes a good photograph. V
Michel Duval08-Dec-2011 16:23
A lucky find for a nice shot. v
Walter Otto Koenig08-Dec-2011 16:21
Very cool shot. Great work Steph. "V"
Alain Boussac08-Dec-2011 16:19
So rare, and so well taken. V.
globalgadabout08-Dec-2011 15:56
magnificent in mono...those are strong silhouettes, evoking hard days for seamstresses who had to hand-crank the hours away...V
J. Scott Coile08-Dec-2011 15:42
Super B&W.
sue anne08-Dec-2011 15:24
Pretty silhouette of these sewing machines!
François Fauchard08-Dec-2011 15:22
I have yet the old sewing machine of my mother, like these. Good shot.
Patricia Kay08-Dec-2011 15:12
fabulous image Steph...Think we used these at school...back in the day!...BV
Aud Elise Sjøsæther08-Dec-2011 15:06
Love this one! V
Tom Munson08-Dec-2011 14:45
This is fantastic, Stephanie! Great shot!
John Reynolds LRPS08-Dec-2011 14:30
Great shot Stephanie. V.
Jim Coffman08-Dec-2011 14:12
Wow, these are old! We had one of the old ones. Nice image,Stephanie!
Fong Lam08-Dec-2011 13:53
Beautiful silhouettes of these antique sewing machines....V
teachpeace08-Dec-2011 13:49
Brilliantly done!
Vickie BROWN08-Dec-2011 13:40
Fantastic, this is very rare..., great work Stephanie!
Mairéad08-Dec-2011 13:37
Great silhouettes of these old machines. V
PauloCGama08-Dec-2011 13:15
Excellent. Just excellent!!
Mike H.08-Dec-2011 13:08
Terrific capture of this UK clothier retro display window!
LynnH08-Dec-2011 12:44
My All Saints isn't as good as yours.
Phillip Normanton08-Dec-2011 12:27
Song, even. lol.
Phillip Normanton08-Dec-2011 12:27
Singing an old sond :o)
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