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Mark Schretlen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Off the Beaten Path > Battle of Britain
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Battle of Britain

The Snowbird's aerobatic finale during their BC Day 2011 performance in Kelowna, British Columbia.

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GP Merfeld21-May-2013 06:25
Truly outstanding!
Jojie Alcantara18-May-2013 18:40
Brilliant shot.
Brad Claypole18-May-2013 16:20
Congratulations! This image has won the 278th Show & Tell Competition: Elemental Movement.
Guest 13-May-2013 05:56
What an amazing capture! V.
Markus Grompe12-May-2013 14:24
Another perfect fit for the competition theme. This time its "s"es in the air.
XiaoBernard9916-Dec-2011 05:32
Excellent ballet capture.Very good exposure
Range View 23-Oct-2011 22:31
Portrays the excitement and action perfectly. Stunning capture! V
Sheila07-Oct-2011 22:56
You captured the excitement! A grand shot.
Guest 04-Aug-2011 17:51
Nice shot Mark.
regi olbrechts03-Aug-2011 20:34
Superb dynamic compo
lou_rozensteins03-Aug-2011 07:42
Terrific! Looks like you are up there with them!!
Guest 03-Aug-2011 02:10
Excellent capture! V.
Michel Duval02-Aug-2011 20:35
Impressive, your shot. Bravo. V
Raf02-Aug-2011 19:33
An excellent shot! V.