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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> AMERICAN SOUTHWEST 2011 & 2012 >> THE GRAND CANYON > Sitting Over Grand Canyon - North Rim
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19-JUL-2011 Jola Dziubinska

Sitting Over Grand Canyon - North Rim

Arizona, USA

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/60s f/13.0 at 60.0mm iso900 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg McCroskery06-Aug-2011 15:27
Excellent photo, stupid person!

Jola this is a well done image as are all in this gallery. Contrary to what someone else responded, the person sitting on top of the outcrop is not brave, but is dumb and irresponsible. People like this die regularly at the national parks and their foolish behavior generally results in more restriction for those with common sense.

Regardless, I applaud your work in this gallery.

God Bless,
Victoria28-Jul-2011 08:00
Wow, Superb !!!!!
Fred Parsons28-Jul-2011 04:47
Did you run into Guy while you were there? See This is an outstanding shot, as is yours. As you can see Guy was shooting the same day as you and is in a Sedona group with me and Doug Sherman Doug posted a north rim shot on the 26th
Gerard Koehl28-Jul-2011 04:39
Superbe scène... V
Robin Reid28-Jul-2011 04:02
Very nice
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Jul-2011 22:46
Very nice capture, Vote.
Stephanie27-Jul-2011 21:33
Wow!!! Incredible image! BV
Pete Hemington27-Jul-2011 20:37
Excellent and brave subject - great light
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