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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nature's Design > Going to Seed.jpg
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Going to Seed.jpg

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/4000s f/5.0 at 150.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets04-May-2015 03:50
Beautiful details and use of DOF.
Ken Zaret03-May-2015 18:26
Congratulations Gill, this image wins this week's S&T contest on the use of background blur! Well done!
Arnie Peterschmidt28-Apr-2015 03:27
Beautiful subtle photograph and a strong entry to the 359th Show & Tell, good luck.
bill friedlander19-Aug-2011 16:55
So fragile and delicate. The composition is awesome and the colors are delightful. V
Tom LeRoy18-Jul-2011 13:16
Yes the extra grass makes this shot very special. V!
Neil Marcus18-Jul-2011 12:39
Very nice. The stems add so much to the picture. Far different from most pictures of this sort. You have found your speciality
an nguyen18-Jul-2011 03:29
Truly beautiful work .
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