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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains > Beautiful
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If I won millions - this is what I'd be doing everyday.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/6400s f/2.8 at 45.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Stefano Dei13-Mar-2014 09:11
Superb shot!
Patrick Goossens09-Feb-2013 20:32
Fantastic capture!
Ian Birch01-Oct-2011 21:05
Great shot Brad.

Nice timing!

Cheers Ian
Guest 23-Sep-2011 17:01
Perfect! Congrats to the winnig in competition!V
Juan Leon23-Sep-2011 08:58
Great image Brad!

Congratulations for wining the 209 S&T Competition!


Suzanne Mathia15-Sep-2011 22:57
Splendid capture!! What a great moment
pascal28-Apr-2011 18:18
Very impressive ! Fabulous POV !
Roger B21-Mar-2011 15:55
Outstanding!!! -V-
Paul Chan17-Mar-2011 00:53
You are brave by using 45 MM lens.....massive vote.
Steve Nelson18-Feb-2011 14:33
Very cool! Love your train shots!
Jay Levin04-Feb-2011 22:00
You are really good at these!
Marc Vermeulen03-Feb-2011 17:07
Dynamic shot! V
Guest 03-Feb-2011 03:16
A very fitting title - AWESOME would be another. Super work, Brad.
Hank Vander Velde03-Feb-2011 01:46
BEAUTIFUL image Brad.
Inga Morozoff03-Feb-2011 01:45
Oh yeah, this is fantastic!!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)03-Feb-2011 01:35
Indeed nicely done; great freeze on the 'punch' and stitch of frames for the gif. BZ-V
B. Shortall - BCS Photography03-Feb-2011 00:56
I have been waiting and clicking on this all day waiting for this shot! Nicely done!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad03-Feb-2011 00:11
Perfect timing! V
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