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trinko | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shots of the world or at least my part of it > Spheres in space _MG_6241.jpg
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Spheres in space _MG_6241.jpg

Morning dew on a spiderweb

Canon EOS 50D
1/250s f/9.0 at 100.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska21-Dec-2021 01:40
Fantastic image, great composition and colors. Vote.
Congratulations on winning the 1st place in 614th Show & Tell Competition: "Abstract".
carol j. phipps19-Dec-2021 16:52
Big Congratulations for placing FIRST in the pBase "Show and Tell" for this fine composition in the "Abstract" category. Bravo.
carol j. phipps16-Dec-2021 02:28
So colorful and pleasing to the senses. V
regi olbrechts20-Jan-2011 06:53
Very well seen Trinko ;-))
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