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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Flight > Aluminium clouds
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Aluminium clouds

Canon EOS 40D
1/500s f/7.1 at 10.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
cits_4_pets29-Oct-2016 01:31
Fabulous perspective and timing is perfect!
Ken Zaret29-Oct-2016 01:08
Great shot indeed!
Markus Grompe23-Oct-2016 16:03
amazing catch
Irene Wehrli08-Oct-2014 18:30
zonedout13-Sep-2014 20:32
Most interesting perspective, Pawel
V V ...z
Long Bach Nguyen25-Dec-2011 20:01
fantastic shot v
Lee G23-Oct-2010 03:58
The underbelly is exposed and looking great here!

Jean-Rene A21-Oct-2010 15:02
Impressive "mislead-the-eye" (I hope).
Guest 16-Sep-2010 17:00
WOW! Imponuj¹ce! V
Pete Hemington16-Sep-2010 09:58
Very skillful shot
Zoltán Balogh16-Sep-2010 06:20
Wow Pawel...amazing capture, big vote!!! V
Steve Mockford15-Sep-2010 21:42
Great timing indeed. Nice picture.
regi olbrechts15-Sep-2010 20:27
Great timing ;-)
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