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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Painting With Light Night Photography > We Saw The Light
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April 1st 2010 Mike Stobbs

We Saw The Light

Winner of the 179th Show & Tell Competition All That Glitters

This is from the first night out with Glenn on our photo shoot weekend.
We painted this little church from the inside first and I thought it would be cool to see light emitting from
the open doorway.....well I walked right across the path of my camera and got this by mistake.
Glenn's camera was about three feet from mine and well you know the story....sorry Glenn, but your shot rocked also.
We painted the outside last and worked under a quarter moon and city lights in the background.
It was fun day and we did come away with other cool images and I will post one more sometime.
And I bet Glenn does to.....

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 AF-S ED IF G N
180s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg20-Dec-2010 07:07
Congratulations on winning the show and tell contest, Mike!!
Barbara Heide15-Dec-2010 12:44
brilliant! v
Inga Morozoff12-Dec-2010 03:19
Jeroen Bosman11-Dec-2010 15:08
Congratulations on this image, the light from the front door really sets it apart. v.
GP Merfeld11-Dec-2010 03:39
A beautiful piece of magic... Wonderful work.
Sandi Whitteker10-Dec-2010 16:48
This is a great capture, and worthy of winning the Show and Tell contest. You put a lot of work into this one, and it sure paid off.
Peter Stubley07-Dec-2010 17:34
Very cool shot -- dramatic sense of light. Nicely done.
Guest 23-Jul-2010 02:12
Inventive and beautiful. Awesome.
David Gaar15-Jun-2010 10:10
More fantastic work here, Mike. Well done. V.
Apostolos Tikopoulos12-Apr-2010 20:23
Stunning composition and wonderful colours/tones. V.
Milos Markovic11-Apr-2010 14:32
This is magical, Mike.
Bravo !
Jean Chiasson10-Apr-2010 00:52
Wow Beautiful image bravo Mike big vote
Char08-Apr-2010 12:25
Hi Mike,
This is an outstanding scene! \/
Robert Charity06-Apr-2010 16:50
well done, very effective, v
McGarva04-Apr-2010 11:25
Superb image! ... great exposure and clarity with the two lights of focal points ... V
Guest 03-Apr-2010 01:45
Just Awesome!! V.
pkocinski02-Apr-2010 12:15
I "wish" my mistakes were half this good! Awesome Mike.
Ali Majdfar02-Apr-2010 09:12
Stunning capture! ~V
lou_rozensteins02-Apr-2010 08:56
It really does have a Wow factor. I hope we can see some more of this fascinating day. Well done.
Marni J. Bradford02-Apr-2010 04:31
All I can say is "Wow"!!! Huge vote for this one Mike, mistake and all :D.
Dan Greenberg02-Apr-2010 04:08
Out of this world!! A ton of effort it sounds like, but the results are well worth it. ~BV~
Ed Preston02-Apr-2010 03:19
Love it!
Cindi Smith02-Apr-2010 03:19
coaster02-Apr-2010 02:58
Fantastic shot!
John Buffin02-Apr-2010 02:50
Wow! This looks great, Mike.
Lee G02-Apr-2010 01:18
Fantastic image, your mistake is better than my best ever!
Steve Mockford02-Apr-2010 01:10
This is absolutely stunning Mike - well done both of you! ~V~
Brad Claypole02-Apr-2010 00:29
Perfect! BV
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)01-Apr-2010 23:11
Looks even better on the big screen. It's that fancy 24-70 glass too.
I'll see what else I can dig up from 39 hours of funography.
John Vass01-Apr-2010 22:46
This is a great shot! I should make such mistakes!
Earl Misanchuk01-Apr-2010 22:37
Another beaut, Mike.
Walter Otto Koenig01-Apr-2010 22:14
Great job with the lighting as always. A really cool image Mike.
Dennis Warren01-Apr-2010 22:14
I really like the mood of this shot. Very surreal.
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