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Jean-Pierre Scherrer | all galleries >> Jean-Pierre Scherrer's Galleries >> Junk > How I "shaved" the lens-hood on my Nikon 10.5 mm. !
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How I "shaved" the lens-hood on my Nikon 10.5 mm. !

Geneva, Switzerland

I used my little milling machine, equipped with a circular saw, and put a piece of aluminium angled on the vise, to hold the side of the lens...
Setting the saw depth to the thickness of the lens-hood and gently rotating the lens by hand did the trick in two minutes and without any risk !
Of course, I had previously put some paper around and over the front of the lens, to prevent eventual parts hitting the glass !

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/180s f/9.5 at 32.0mm iso200 full exif

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