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Nick Vivian | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hanging out with a bunch of crabs in Kenya > Floating Crab
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Floating Crab

Canon EOS 10D
1/180s f/9.5 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
fara123-Oct-2013 09:55
an ace shot.flying crab with no wings.......,v
Terry Bowker03-Nov-2012 16:21
Always smile when I see this image!
Nick Vivian18-Jul-2012 20:11
Flo - rest assured, no animals were tossed in the making of this shot.. ; - >
cits_4_pets18-Jul-2012 19:32
Tossing animals? Poor thing, animals can experience fear & pain. Hope this is a manipulated image!
Margaret Lew13-Jul-2012 20:50
So funny!
Susan Rovira26-Oct-2010 03:46
And without a parachute.
Amit Becker26-Sep-2010 22:02
Surreal... liked this one.
Arjayphotography13-Feb-2010 10:05
I reeeeeeegreeeetttt nottthhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnggggggg!!!! :-) Funny :-)
Rick Bricker04-Oct-2009 22:30
Well alrighty then.....hehe....good one!
Pawel Kazmierczyk07-Sep-2009 11:31
jumped out of the water ? very effective photo, well done.
Jean-Rene A07-Sep-2009 10:02
A crab super hero ? The Flying Crab ? Nice capture ! ;-)
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