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Marcel de Jong | all galleries >> themes >> lighthouses > SDIM1462 copy.jpg
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SDIM1462 copy.jpg

Sigma SD14
1/400s f/8.0 at 10.0mm iso100 full exif

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cits_4_pets24-Jan-2018 17:29
Lovely shot. nice leading lines, exposure and composition
Tom Sherry22-Jan-2018 17:27
Hi Marcel, I selected this photo as the winning shot for the 462nd Show and Tell competition. Congrats and excellent photo.
Guest 16-Jul-2010 16:16
Great leading line. =)
Zane Paxton28-Aug-2009 00:43
I like the perspective; it's also one of my favorite haunts
Peter Stubley27-Aug-2009 12:13
Very nice composition.