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cobler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fine Art Portrait > Self Portrait
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Larry Cobler

Self Portrait

A self portrait, circa 1990.

Produced as a twenty four inch canvas

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Photo.Keely02-Jul-2017 20:41
Nice portrait! V.
Buz Kiefer05-Jun-2016 19:17
Very unique SP, Larry. Vote.
Stephen Cromer11-Jan-2016 02:40
Nice horn!
Fong Lam11-Aug-2013 04:57
Wonderful SP of a great artist! V
marko gregoric15-Jun-2012 05:46
Excellent portrait work. V
Shu10-Aug-2010 12:55
meet the artist!!! shu
Nancy Good05-Jul-2010 15:47
Fabulously artistic technique, Larry. I'm enjoying your galleries. :-)
Hodero05-Jul-2010 00:14
The young John Cleese ?
Judy Misquitta09-Dec-2009 15:32
I love the colour palette and the effect of intense sunlight! Great job!
jlm04-Jun-2009 18:04
Well done !
Julian Hebbrecht28-May-2009 12:38
Indeed a beautiful painting, Love the colors.
Guest 19-May-2009 02:26
Such an impressive work.
Very artistic and excellent job!
Nice to meet you finally Larry!
Yiannis Pavlis18-May-2009 21:21
This is absolutely beautiful.
Jim's Atavistic Visions17-May-2009 17:33
Beautiful work are the artist!

My friend below, pr.
pr_rajan20-Apr-2009 01:54
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