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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Ice Sculpture
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28-DEC-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Ice Sculpture

Along Highway 395, California

Nature at work again, this time sculpting ice! Do love the crispness
of the ice a hoar fog leaves when it lifts. All new to this SoCal girl!

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Dan the Man20-Jan-2010 12:58
Well done my friend! very beautiful picture! V
Carlo Buliani17-Jan-2010 18:10
Like a white coral reef!! Wonderful photo!!
Peter Stubley24-Jul-2009 01:41
Nice shot indeed -- great contrast.
Geneviève Cotineau15-Apr-2009 03:22
Beautiful, Sandi!
Máire Uí Mhaicín22-Feb-2009 19:41
John Reynolds LRPS15-Feb-2009 21:07
Well spotted and captured. V.
Chris Thorpe12-Feb-2009 17:28
Beautiful shot, wonderful color contrast!
Milan Vogrin12-Feb-2009 06:54
This is winter!V!
Tom Briggs07-Feb-2009 19:27
Fantastic capture, Sandi ... almost looks like a coral reef ... voted
Bryan Murahashi07-Feb-2009 04:04
Fabulous capture of this ice sculpture against the deep blue sky. V
Simon Chandler06-Feb-2009 02:48
Fantastic. Like sea coral in the sky. v
waterfalls man06-Feb-2009 01:52
Excellent !!! V
Sheila06-Feb-2009 01:19
It is so beautiful!
Guest 05-Feb-2009 16:13
Looks nice against that polarized sky..
Nicely done...
Carol Rollins05-Feb-2009 04:42
Excellent capture Sandi! This is beautiful.
Greg Harp05-Feb-2009 02:51
Wow! That is some hoar frost. It never gets that thick around here. Gorgeous work.
Earl Arboneaux 05-Feb-2009 02:30
Beautiful shot,Sandi...
Randy Adams05-Feb-2009 02:12
Incredible color contrast...great capture Sandi!
Jim Coffman05-Feb-2009 01:08
Very pretty scene,Sandi!
Elaine (etfitz)05-Feb-2009 01:08
Love the white against the blue! They are lovely!
Gayle P. Clement04-Feb-2009 23:55
Wonderful icy branches.
Doug Cruden04-Feb-2009 22:24
Beautiful shot, Sandi, and it works so well with that brilliant blue background. V
Tom Torbert04-Feb-2009 22:04
wow.. what a strong blue in the background... Really sets off the white.. Beautiful find.. Love winter & the things it does in nature.. V
monil04-Feb-2009 20:56
Superb this picture.
Love the contrast of white and bleu colors. v
Gerard Koehl04-Feb-2009 20:49
Ce givre est du plus bel effet... V
Guest 04-Feb-2009 20:13
It does look like coral..just the freezing kind..great catch, Sandi!
Guest 04-Feb-2009 20:01
Looks like coral, just add fish!!
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