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Julia dragon landscape

This is a Julia set fractal who's "C" point is taken from the tip of an "antenna" on the main Mandelbrot set.

It's plotted as a simple 2D fractal, using fractional iteration values to create smooth colors.

The next image in this gallery is a 3D rendering of the same fractal.

If you have a recent version of FractalWorks you can recreate this image by clicking below:
Fractalworks plot Julia dragon landscape

The plot info is as follows:

Maximum iterations: 10000
Center Point (real, imaginary): -1.296001386113, -0.4416275218608 i
Plot Width (real): 1.55E-11
Julia origin (real, imaginary): -1.296001386112727, -0.4416275218614325 i

other sizes: small medium original auto