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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Places >> Genova > 02.08.2008
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Genoa - Italy

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cits_4_pets20-May-2017 05:01
Wonderful light and great that you got a person in the sweet spot.
Walter Otto Koenig19-May-2017 16:38
Impressive image. Great Light! Bravo! "V"
David Decroix13-May-2017 13:38
Great control of light, well done. V.
Guest 20-Sep-2008 23:47
Excellent shot, Enrico, particularly with the two people walking. The colours and lighting are superb! V!
olivier bruning13-Sep-2008 09:31
fantastic shot, fabulous control of light! ~V~
kingshill03-Aug-2008 00:17
Stunning image
Guest 02-Aug-2008 15:07
Guest 02-Aug-2008 09:18
Eccelente, V
caveman_lee02-Aug-2008 08:55
Very nice in composition and lighting. V