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kitty photos

a photo collection of my cat, Yang (short for Sayang).
she used to be a stray cat.
some time around September 2000, she followed me home.
she is now a full fledged housecat but likes to go for walks below our flat on her own.
i love her for her playfulness & independence.

over the years, Gooda, Boon & Labu joined our household.
missing you
missing you
frisky 1 year old
frisky 1 year old
what are you looking at?
what are you looking at?
g1/12/372012/3/128072874.VZekKF2N.jpg reclining pose
reclining pose
in awe
in awe
in a good mood
in a good mood
window seat
window seat
getting a better view
getting a better view
all dressed up
all dressed up
will you please leave me alone!
will you please leave me alone!
what's going on there?
what's going on there?
favorite sleeping position
favorite sleeping position
pensive mood
pensive mood
kitty & me
kitty & me
dozing off....
dozing off....
g4/12/372012/3/62665380.N9IQgtCv.jpg waiting for me
waiting for me
hmm... what's for dinner?
hmm... what's for dinner?
a four paw carpet destroyer
a four paw carpet destroyer
under the cupboard
under the cupboard
my new bed
my new bed
santa's little helper - sleeping on the job
santa's little helper - sleeping on the job
x'mas kitty
x'mas kitty
peter's cat - cute little charmer
peter's cat - cute little charmer
hide & seek
hide & seek
u13/icky/medium/38584384.kitty1.jpg market stray cat
market stray cat
look into my eyes... you are now feeling sleepy.......bla... bla...
"look into my eyes... you are now feeling sleepy.......bla... bla..."
u48/icky/medium/35533179.kit.jpg u48/icky/medium/35572001.Dsc08295.jpg u16/icky/medium/42168487.12.jpg u16/icky/medium/42130067.DSC09780.jpg
u16/icky/medium/42130092.DSC09782.jpg u12/icky/medium/42442585.a.jpg u17/icky/medium/42442600.b.jpg u48/icky/medium/35571832.Dsc08292.jpg
u16/icky/medium/42168489.13.jpg u15/icky/medium/38882133.3.jpg nap attack
nap attack
kitty & me
kitty & me
bookworm kitty
bookworm kitty
...that medicine tasted yucky!
...that medicine tasted yucky!
our new dish rack
our new dish rack
kitty in a basket
kitty in a basket
i want those fishies!
i want those fishies!
ooh.. i want that one...
ooh.. i want that one...
u39/icky/medium/39403782.kit.jpg u47/icky/medium/40009439.kitty.jpg
BIG yawn
BIG yawn
u43/icky/medium/40346529.kit.jpg u16/icky/medium/42113548.Dsc00640.jpg this town ain't big enough for both of us.....
this town ain't big enough for both of us.....
g4/12/372012/3/52134463.DSC00092.jpg g3/12/372012/3/53121183.DSC00110.jpg love them catnip!
love them catnip!
let's dance
let's dance
aww... come out and play....
aww... come out and play....
modesty be damned
modesty be damned
g3/12/372012/3/57025803.DSC00170.jpg g6/12/372012/3/71698019.FmtYPNQt.jpg i love TVs
i love TVs
g6/12/372012/3/77169804.Zd2a6Quh.jpg aye... how do you like my pirate's impersonation?
aye... how do you like my pirate's impersonation?
kitty in a box
kitty in a box
your lens need some cleaning.....
your lens need some cleaning.....
guess who?
guess who?
bad mood
bad mood
g6/12/372012/3/79463948.5FhTPUX9.jpg is it edible...?
is it edible...?
g6/12/372012/3/79861468.M0zFpvQw.jpg lemme at it!
lemme at it!
g3/12/372012/3/90004172.h8VnVMhH.jpg mine! mine! all mine!
mine! mine! all mine!
can i go out now?
can i go out now?
g6/12/372012/3/82563249.QBztSigg.jpg g3/12/372012/3/88981076.1YFx0cQ4.jpg g3/12/372012/3/90077309.GCOG8Ebf.jpg g3/12/372012/3/89924366.IzmDV2k2.jpg
g3/12/372012/3/90077279.uAS57cqM.jpg g1/12/372012/3/128077503.NO1yK6tR.jpg Yang had another cancerous growth below her left eye after the one on her left cheek was removed.
Yang had another cancerous growth below her left eye after the one on her left cheek was removed.
eating them wheat grass
eating them wheat grass
'Gooda' - now living with us
'Gooda' - now living with us
Gooda likes to sleep like this
Gooda likes to sleep like this
Milly - rescued from Millenia Walk
Milly - rescued from Millenia Walk
'Boon' - visits occasionally
'Boon' - visits occasionally
Dave's cat - 'Scissors'
Dave's cat - 'Scissors'
g3/12/372012/3/94891035.I5lDURIv.jpg g5/12/372012/3/101330472.Rj157jPu.jpg
g3/12/372012/3/101726536.nCfTzpmy.jpg g3/12/372012/3/102836220.jijmYqjV.jpg Zzzz.....
g1/12/372012/3/108741435.gE9ScYjf.jpg g3/12/372012/3/115125065.IStfduBU.jpg 'Labu' - another stray, trying to charm her way into our home.
'Labu' - another stray, trying to charm her way into our home.
g1/12/372012/3/111734183.o2VhshKb.jpg g1/12/372012/3/115125112.DCcwUamx.jpg g1/12/372012/3/115533353.z7crn5mA.jpg g3/12/372012/3/115533363.0lO21wkt.jpg
Labu - feeling much better after a visit to the vet
Labu - feeling much better after a visit to the vet
g1/12/372012/3/116718507.4r03AjMg.jpg g1/12/372012/3/117170987.hUpyeAnY.jpg g1/12/372012/3/117212454.K5oSRJjX.jpg
g1/12/372012/3/117212463.O9sgEZwL.jpg g1/12/372012/3/132352637.KE2zLPXf.jpg g1/12/372012/3/132355284.QH32xHB4.jpg g1/12/372012/3/117548826.zLsIIFax.jpg
g1/12/372012/3/118374226.j8mcrVzA.jpg Boon
g1/12/372012/3/125765073.LaOPVHoH.jpg g3/12/372012/3/124820880.htQ3MjZG.jpg
g1/12/372012/3/125764567.KzJfKUK6.jpg g1/12/372012/3/125907430.bTj8h1tX.jpg g1/12/372012/3/125764636.427DABww.jpg g1/12/372012/3/128077220.6LpXtoMf.jpg
mug shot
mug shot
caught sleeping in my bed
caught sleeping in my bed
Yang loves boxes & shopping bags
Yang loves boxes & shopping bags
bento cat
bento cat
g1/12/372012/3/126133887.Fs9PMJYr.jpg feeling blue.....
feeling blue.....
g1/12/372012/3/130311739.OY6nkV6j.jpg g1/12/372012/3/130311658.ELCgbgvB.jpg
g1/12/372012/3/130311663.1sOh3aeu.jpg g1/12/372012/3/130311666.TtTzYbFk.jpg exhausted after being frisky all day
exhausted after being frisky all day
g1/12/372012/3/132493489.R4eQlGmD.jpg g1/12/372012/3/132493506.2MYqfsyL.jpg g1/12/372012/3/132493512.p4kAHDEf.jpg g4/12/372012/3/133581524.hY3G0FNy.jpg
g4/12/372012/3/133581540.DIQ6OAbT.jpg g4/12/372012/3/133581543.fPdih2x8.jpg g4/12/372012/3/133581545.e7sbc7eu.jpg g2/12/372012/3/147301511.Z63ez9jS.jpg
Boon - getting fatter
Boon - getting fatter
g2/12/372012/3/147348216.sQ2jmrh2.jpg g2/12/372012/3/147350766.rA1vEXhD.jpg
g2/12/372012/3/147402387.VLJjctuX.jpg g9/12/372012/3/152180024.yzTbCXQ2.jpg a private perch
a private perch
Gooda  (2000 - 2016)
Gooda (2000 - 2016)