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Howard Banwell | profile | all galleries >> Spain >> Burgos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Burgos | Bilbao | Basque Coast | Madrid | Merida


Av de Generalisimo, across the Rio Arlanzon
Av de Generalisimo, across the Rio Arlanzon
Arco de Santa Maria
Arco de Santa Maria
The 13th to 15th century cathedral
The 13th to 15th century cathedral
Gothic tower
Gothic tower
From Paza de Santa Maria
From Paza de Santa Maria
Nesting storks
Nesting storks
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Capilla de la Concepcion
Capilla de la Concepcion
Escalera Dorada
Escalera Dorada
The main altar
The main altar
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Capilla del Condestable
Capilla del Condestable
Capilla del Condestable
Capilla del Condestable
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Burgos Cathedral, interior
Cathedral museum
Cathedral museum
Cathedral museum
Cathedral museum
Puerta del Sarmental
Puerta del Sarmental
A reward of churros and hot chocolate
A reward of churros and hot chocolate