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SRW | profile | all galleries >> Southern/Middle England >> Wiltshire >> Walks >> Wilton and around Burcombe: 2006 [18] >> Italianate Church, Wilton tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The walk | St John the Baptist, Burcombe | Italianate Church, Wilton

Italianate Church, Wilton

This is actually, formally, the Parish Church of St Mary and St Nicholas: built in the Italian Romanesque style.
Begun in 1841, and consecrated in 1845, it replaced the medieval church of St Mary in the marketplace -- which is now redundant.
The architect was TH Wyatt; but the inspiration and funds came from the Honourable Sidney Herbert
and his Russian mother, the Countess Catherine, formerly Woronzov.
:: Inside ::
:: Outside ::
:: Chickens ::