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Hodero | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Andres-Colombia > aquarium
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This island is part of San Andres,one of the small islands of Colombia near the Panamanian coast.
As one can see I'm no expert in Panoramashots.Maybe I should clone away the dark parts.

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Marc Vermeulen09-Apr-2011 00:08
Great pano!
Guest 20-Dec-2010 05:21
I'm thinking of going on vacation there in Feb & from your pics I feel more convinced than ever that this is the place for me.
JPayne 06-Nov-2008 19:11
San Andres is still as beautiful now as it was in 1976 when I went. Looks like a few more shops & hotels now.
claudia 30-Oct-2008 02:26
Those are not dark spots or a problem in the picture, there are a mor deep parts of the sea, or parts of the seabed with algae, since this plants are dark green, they give that color to the ocean, water , seabed and finally to the picture! That's the reason why!
Yiannis Pavlis02-Jun-2007 14:23
Fantastic point of view and perspective, excellent tones. A wonderful shot!
Remedios 12-Sep-2006 11:00
Beautiful Pictures
Hodero11-Aug-2006 22:18
What is a man from San Andres doing outside paradise ??
Indeed paradise.And the people are soo friendly.I have to return soon !Take care Razy.
RazyHoward 11-Aug-2006 21:12
Wow, I'm originally from San Andres but i've been living in Toronto for 3 years now, and i get to go every december, The pictures you guys have are awesome, i've been looking for really good cuality pictures since i'm here so i can show Canadians what my place look like, I'm also happy to know that all of you really like it. Thanks for supporting our people by visiting the island.
Hodero02-Jun-2006 14:20
Hi Marlene from Denmark,
I have a few pics from Johnny Cay, I'll look them up and post them (especially) for you. ;-) "H"
Guest 02-Jun-2006 10:00
San Andres is the most beautifull island in the world... In year 2000 I was living there. I was working on Johnny Cay... So I miss pictures from the little islans!!! But it is some very nice pictures!!! I miss San Andres! And if i had the money I would go right NOW!!!! Hugs Marlene from Denmark
Graham Tomlin27-Sep-2005 13:01
lorin niculae27-Sep-2005 11:36
what a pleasant place. very nice pano. thank you for the insight to your work, which is, btw, splendid.
Guest 27-Sep-2005 10:52
I think it looks just fine. In fact I feel like going there right now.
Christin Tröger27-Sep-2005 09:35
Wonderful place, you did very well.