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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Places >> New York City >> Manhattan Neighborhoods >> Lower Manhattan >> Washington Square >> Playground Mounds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Playground Mounds

The playground mounds are located across the street from the NYU Law School at Sullivan Street and Washington Square South.

Unfortunately the New York City Parks Department has allowed this area to deteriorate in disuse in a fenced off eyesore for the past several years.

Plans and schedules to correct this sad condition are at a stalemate for another year or so.

Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Playground Mounds
Elm Tree Saplings in Asphalt Playground Mounds
Elm Tree Saplings in Asphalt Playground Mounds
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Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Childrens Playground Mounds
Play Mounds & NYU Law School
Play Mounds & NYU Law School
Friar Death on a Black Mound
Friar Death on a Black Mound
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree by the Mounds
Elm Tree
Elm Tree
Elm Trees & Mounds
Elm Trees & Mounds
Elm Trees & Mounds
Elm Trees & Mounds
Park View
Park View
Park View - Mounds & Northern Horizon
Park View - Mounds & Northern Horizon
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding on the Mounds
Sledding in the Park
Sledding in the Park