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near Civitella del Lago, Umbria, Italy view map

I am fascinated by order and chaos, spatial rythms, hierarchies and fractals. This scene matches that fascination. It caught my eye mainly because of the dark spots and the light soil. From a distance it seemed that these were the shadows of the trees, only to realise later that they were dispersed piles of timber. I also like this because it has the feeling of being in a hot air balloon, hovering over the landscape, just as Yann Arthus Bertrand, whom I very much admire, has done for his many books. I do not have a balloon but share his fascination with oblique aerial views of the face of our earth.

Canon PowerShot G9
1/160s f/4.8 at 44.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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