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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEWHAT: anything else >> prize winners and honourable mentions in photo contests > hon. mention in Pbase competition
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hon. mention in Pbase competition

this image received a honourable mention in the 76th show&tell contest ("curves"):

Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
1/500s f/4.0 at 14.3mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ria 20-Aug-2010 15:43
Geweldige foto Jeroen! Sowieso vind ik dat je prachige foto's maakt in een eigen stijl!
sebas veldhuisen11-Mar-2008 19:48
Gefeliciteerd! Erg mooi ook.
Ken Zaret01-Mar-2008 23:56
great image, looks like an old Man Ray
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