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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> The Moon >> Krieger: Moon Atlases (1898 and 1912) >> Kriegers Mond-Atlas - Band I, 1898 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kriegers Mond-Atlas - Band I, 1898 | Kriegers Mond-Atlas - Neue Folge, 1912

Kriegers Mond-Atlas - Band I, 1898

Extremely rare and famous Atlas of the Moon, made by Johann Nepomuk Krieger at the Pia Sternwarte (named after his wife) in Triest (Italy). I bought this Atlas on July 13, 2007.

Johann Krieger was a great artist with such an extraordinary drive, that it eventually destroyed him. So he is an inspiration and a warning at the same time. We should never forget Johann Krieger and remember him as one of the greatest. This gallery is to honor him.

Update 2010 04 21: I intend to upgrade the quality of the scans the coming years, and to add them with their original overlay sheet, with handwritten designations by Krieger himself (I assume).
Status 2010 06 11: Übersichtskarte, Tafel 1 - 13, 16, 17, 19 - 21, 27 finished.
Status 2023 01 03: All finished. (In case a 'Tafel' that has nothing written on its overlay, it will not be shown.)
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