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Pat Hemlepp | profile | all galleries >> Cities, places >> Washington, DC tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Washington, DC

U.S. Capitol at night
U.S. Capitol at night
Monumental reflection
Monumental reflection
At Abe's feet
At Abe's feet
Sitting with Abe
Sitting with Abe
Lincoln between columns
Lincoln between columns
Lincoln and columns
Lincoln and columns
Two memorials
Two memorials
Across two memorials
Across two memorials
Road to the memorial
Road to the memorial
The White House
The White House
South portico
South portico
Looking for a name
Looking for a name
Names, reflections
Names, reflections
Honoring their memory
Honoring their memory
Memorial reflection
Memorial reflection
The Wall
The Wall
Reading the wall
Reading the wall
Passing reflections
Passing reflections
Reflection in The Wall
Reflection in The Wall
Visiting the wall
Visiting the wall
On point
On point
On guard
On guard
Changing the guard
Changing the guard
A reminder
A reminder
Chapel in cemetery
Chapel in cemetery
Lines of stones
Lines of stones
Military graves
Military graves
View from the stage
View from the stage
Amphitheater ceiling
Amphitheater ceiling
RFK grave
RFK grave
U.S. Capitol, shortly after sunset
U.S. Capitol, shortly after sunset
Capitol and monument
Capitol and monument
Red, white, blue
Red, white, blue
Flowers and the Capitol
Flowers and the Capitol
Surrounded by flowers
Surrounded by flowers
Morning reflection
Morning reflection
Capitol panorama
Capitol panorama
Capitol lights
Capitol lights
The Capitol
The Capitol
Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill
Capitol stroll
Capitol stroll
Globes and dome
Globes and dome
Statuary Hall
Statuary Hall
Hall desks
Hall desks
Capitol and traffic
Capitol and traffic
To the Capitol
To the Capitol
Capitol Plaza
Capitol Plaza
Nation’s capitol
Nation’s capitol
Fountain near Capitol
Fountain near Capitol
View of the Capitol
View of the Capitol
Beyond the Capitol
Beyond the Capitol
Above the trees
Above the trees
Capitol and fountain
Capitol and fountain
Old Senate Chamber
Old Senate Chamber
In the atrium
In the atrium
Looking over The Mall
Looking over The Mall
Fall monument
Fall monument
Obelisk and poles
Obelisk and poles
Against a summer sky
Against a summer sky
Flags and blocks
Flags and blocks
Reach for the sky
Reach for the sky
Lincoln to Washington
Lincoln to Washington
Monumental silhouette
Monumental silhouette
Looking up
Looking up
Flowered foreground
Flowered foreground
Toward the monument
Toward the monument
Looking up
Looking up
Washington Monument
Washington Monument
Between the columns
Between the columns
Treasury and monument
Treasury and monument
Standing tall
Standing tall
Union Station arches
Union Station arches
Under the arches
Under the arches
Inside the station
Inside the station
Union Station
Union Station
Coffered ceiling
Coffered ceiling
Toward the exit
Toward the exit
To the trains
To the trains
In Union Station
In Union Station
Columbus Fountain
Columbus Fountain
Running for the train
Running for the train
DC firehouse
DC firehouse
The Great Hall
The Great Hall
Reading room
Reading room
Touring the library
Touring the library
Library ceiling
Library ceiling
Arches and columns
Arches and columns
Silhouette in window
Silhouette in window
Front of the library
Front of the library
Museum in the round
Museum in the round
Toward the sky
Toward the sky
Downward spiral
Downward spiral
Big Red One
Big Red One
Where Lincoln sat
Where Lincoln sat
Ford’s Theatre
Ford’s Theatre
World War II Memorial
World War II Memorial
Memorial fountain
Memorial fountain
Memorial stars
Memorial stars
A field of stars
A field of stars
Two monuments
Two monuments
American Indian museum
American Indian museum
Smithsonian castle
Smithsonian castle
In front of the castle
In front of the castle
Castle and garden
Castle and garden
From the garden
From the garden
Brick walkway
Brick walkway
Castle and fountain
Castle and fountain
Between the blossoms
Between the blossoms
Under the dome
Under the dome
Jefferson and dome
Jefferson and dome
Dome and statue
Dome and statue
Columns and ceiling
Columns and ceiling
Marble support
Marble support
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Through the trees
Through the trees
Boats and monument
Boats and monument
Fly by
Fly by
Fountain and Archives
Fountain and Archives
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court
Chrome sculpture
Chrome sculpture
Flowers, sculpture, history
Flowers, sculpture, history
Ben and friends
Ben and friends
On display
On display
Museum skylight
Museum skylight
Museum hallway
Museum hallway
Balcony view
Balcony view
Building museum
Building museum
Steps to the gallery
Steps to the gallery
Mirror image
Mirror image
Lamp outside History
Lamp outside History
Pyramid sculpture
Pyramid sculpture
Pyramid pattern
Pyramid pattern
Sculpture soldier 2
Sculpture soldier 2
Sculpture soldier 3
Sculpture soldier 3
Sculpture soldier
Sculpture soldier
DC panorama
DC panorama
View of Washington
View of Washington