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Helen Betts | profile | all galleries >> Saudi Arabia: Life in the Desert >> Riyadh: Around the DQ >> Al-Kindi Plaza tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Al-Kindi Plaza

The Al-Kindi Plaza shopping/office complex is located on Riyadh's Diplomatic Quarter. Not a soul was around in my several visits there except some skateboarders (so perfect for pictures!). I subsequently learned that the building with the reflections and huge canopy is the Palace of Culture, which is surrounded by the plaza, so I don't know if it's considered part of it or not (but I'm treating it as one place in this gallery).

The plaza won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture which site says: "The jury considered Al-Kindi Plaza to be an ideal model for cities in Islamic and Arab societies for having attractively preserved the traditional link between the mosque and the other public services of the city. The landscaping of the entire project has been planned as a self-sustaining ecological system, using, where appropriate, plant materials to be found in the surrounding desert environment. The jury found the landscaping to be 'a realistic and imaginative understanding of the natural and spatial organisation in hot and arid regions'."
Futuristic entry, Palace of Culture
Futuristic entry, Palace of Culture
Entry reflections, Palace of Culture
Entry reflections, Palace of Culture
Reflected variety, Palace of Culture
Reflected variety, Palace of Culture
The full effect, Palace of Culture
The full effect, Palace of Culture
Reflections, Palace of Culture
Reflections, Palace of Culture
Divergence of style, Palace of Culture
Divergence of style, Palace of Culture
Kaleidoscope, Palace of Culture
Kaleidoscope, Palace of Culture
Palace of Culture, night lights
Palace of Culture, night lights
Main square
Main square
Pleasant place to rest
Pleasant place to rest
The mall
The mall
Intricate overhead
Intricate overhead
Quiet courtyard
Quiet courtyard
Exterior decor
Exterior decor
Window treatment
Window treatment
Looking up
Looking up
The pause that refreshes
The pause that refreshes
Plaza denizen
Plaza denizen
Secluded courtyard and friend
Secluded courtyard and friend
Way out
Way out
Elegant woodwork
Elegant woodwork
More elegant woodwork
More elegant woodwork
Exterior touch
Exterior touch
Late afternoon shadows
Late afternoon shadows
Yet another deserted arcade
Yet another deserted arcade
Exterior/interior design
Exterior/interior design
Fading shadows
Fading shadows
The window fountain
The window fountain
Noon shadows
Noon shadows
Long shadows
Long shadows
Fountain view
Fountain view
Al-Kindi Plaza
Al-Kindi Plaza
Fountain at Al-Kindi
Fountain at Al-Kindi
Quiet fountain at Al-Kindi
Quiet fountain at Al-Kindi
Waterfall windows, Palace of Culture
Waterfall windows, Palace of Culture
Reflections, Palace of Culture
Reflections, Palace of Culture
Interesting window
Interesting window
Polished marble
Polished marble
Intriguing windows
Intriguing windows
Favorite fountain
Favorite fountain
Palm reflections but no Sahraa
Palm reflections but no Sahraa