Hollókő is the only village in the world that has been inscribed in its entirety on UNESCO's World Heritage List. It's a charming village that has been populated by the Palóc people since the 13th century, when the castle was built on the hill above. Unfortunately, the village has burnt down several times and with one exception the houses have all been rebuilt; despite this, Hollókő still retains its traditional charm.
I was pretty much without any energy when I visited the village, but would like to go back for an attempt at some better pictures. The problem is that there are tourists everywhere, and I just couldn't see many shots that I thought were good at the time. There was one small street we didn't go down, which is where I assume the one remaining house with a thatched roof is situated. When we realized we had missed it, struggling back over the cobblestones in the heat was just too much for one member of our party, so we decided to forget it.