Historical Newspapers
Franklin House Hotel Guest Register 1854 - 1855
 Coroners fees |
1796 Letter from Captain William Cook
 Undated Meetings Notes - Federal Republicans - early 19th century |
1740 Will of James Jackson - Goshen, NY
State Department Document May 19, 1825
Letter Concerning Maritime Insurance on "freight of Lochinvar"
Justice of the Peace, Charles F. Potter Collection, Orleans County, NY
Confederate States of America Bond Interest Coupons
1892 Monthly School Progress Report (Report card)
1789 Berks County, PA Orphan's Court Inquisition - Elias Retge (Redcay) Sr
Middletown, Middlesex County, CT Justice of the Peace Summonses 1817 - 1821
William Ceever Vs James Reed - Lewistown, Mifflin County, PA
Carson City Nevada 1912 - 1913 Registered Mail Book
Court Papers by John Kenney of Virginia 1818
1827 Hand Written Deed Transfer
1904 Charles Herrington Scott Letter concerning Lumber for the Panama Canal
Photos from a 1938 Adolph Hitler's annexation of Austria - Anschluss
1656 Adendum to Will
Jacob Merkel Estate Receipt Book
Nathan Chase Collection
Nesler Family Tax Receipts
John Layport Collection
Woodstock Collection
Johnson Family Documents
Lycoming County Court Documents 1860s & 1870s
1841 Massachusetts Justice of the Peace Commision
Charles Frederick Potter Collection Selby, Orleans Co, New York
Annie Shepley Autograph Book
1771/72 Deed - Pepperellboro (Saco), York County, Colony of the Massachusetts Bay (Maine), New England
General Robert R. Johnson Guardian of Eliza Slade Ledger Pages - North Carolina - 1825
Letter - Portland Maine - Sept 29, 1853 - Joseph Walker to Unknown
1890 Souvenir Programme of Shakespeare's Comedy "The Tempest"
1877 Maritime Letter to Captain Zaccheus Allen, Master of the "Eric the Red"
1898 letter from Ansley Wilcox to his uncle George Wilcox
Will of Benjamin Mead Jr (1701 - 1783)
Nederlandsche Jaerboeken 1763