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 Clarendon St IMG_3098.jpgRemains of the railway cottage. |
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 Clarendon St IMG_3095.jpgClarendon St. This building was completely flattened in WW2, but rebuilt as was, and includes the window arches recovered from the rubble. |
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 West Dock St underpass IMG_9084.jpg |
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 Hull Training Goulton St IMG_9070.jpg |
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 North Ferriby IMG_8329.jpg |
 North Ferriy IMG_8314-2.jpg |
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 River Hull Tidal Barrier IMG_4117.jpg |
 Albert Dock IMG_4093.jpg |
 Hull IMG_4090.jpg |
 Siemens Wind Turbine Plant IMG_4047.jpg |
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 St. Stephens IMG_4025.jpg |
 HRI IMG_4019.jpg |
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 Hull Univesity IMG_3472-2.jpg |
 Hull Univesity IMG_3457.jpg |
 Hull Univesity IMG_3452-2.jpg |
 Hull Univesity IMG_3422-2.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_3407.jpg |
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 River Hull IMG_2992-2.jpg |
 Hessle IMG_2908.jpg |
 Hessle IMG_2892.jpg |
 Hessle IMG_2877.jpg |
 Hessle IMG_2869.jpg |
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 Cottingham Rd IMG_1860.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd IMG_1857.jpg |
 Willerby Low Rd IMG_0513.jpg |
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 Ferensway Hull IMG_8634.jpg |
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 North Ferriby IMG_7478.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull IMG_8148.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull IMG_8146.jpg |
 Carr Lane Hull IMG_8126.jpg |
 Red maze IMG_8122.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull IMG_8115.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull IMG_8095.jpg |
 Hull Skyline IMG_7757.jpg |
 Hull Skyline IMG_7742.jpg |
 Hull Skyline IMG_7739-2.jpg |
 Albert Dock IMG_7713.jpg |
 Albert Dock IMG_7701.jpg |
 Hull Marina IMG_7695.jpg |
 Hull Skyline IMG_7673-2.jpg |
 Humber Sunrise IMG_7142-2.jpg |
 Humber Sunrise IMG_7137.jpg |
 Humber Sunrise IMG_7125.jpg |
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 Albert Dock Hull 18.30 IMG_3796.jpg |
 Albert Dock Hull @ 18.30 IMG_3778.jpg |
 Albert Dock IMG_3772.jpg |
 Portland st Hull IMG_3661.jpg |
 Hull IMG_3654.jpg |
 Wright St Hull IMG_3651.jpg |
 Hull IMG_3648.jpg |
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 Hull IMG_3477.jpg |
 Hull IMG_3474.jpg |
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 Hull IMG_3462.jpg |
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 Victoria Square Hull IMG_3986.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull IMG_3985.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull IMG_3983.jpg |
 Sweet peas from the garden IMG_3206.jpg |
 Fire Station calvert Lane Hull IMG_3202.jpg |
 Anlaby Rd Hull IMG_3194.jpg |
 Argyle St Hull IMG_3145c.jpg |
 Ferensway Hull P1040604.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull P1040598.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull P1040595.jpg |
 Jameson St Hull P1040594.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull P1040592.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull P1040591.jpg |
 Jameson st Hull P1040590.jpg |
 Prospect st Hull P1040589.jpg |
 Prospect st Hull P1040588.jpg |
 Prospect st Hull P1040587.jpg |
 Kingston Square Hull IMG_2843.jpg |
 David Whitfield lends a hand IMG_2840.jpg |
 Eggington St Hull IMG_2826.jpg |
 Eggington St Hull IMG_2825.jpg |
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 Kingston Square Hull IMG_2822.jpg |
 John St Hull IMG_2821.jpg |
 Chongwah Chinese Supermarket Hull IMG_2818.jpg |
 Chongwah Chinese Supermarket Hull IMG_2817.jpg |
 Chongwah Chinese Supermarket Hull IMG_2816.jpg |
 Baker St Hul IMG_2815.jpg |
 Wright St Hull IMG_2814.jpg |
 Sping Bank junction Hull IMG_2812.jpg |
 Carr Lane Hull IMG_0669.jpg |
 Carr Lane Hull IMG_0665.jpg |
 Carr Lane Hull IMG_0663.jpg |
 Hessle Haven IMG_9282.jpg |
 Hessle Haven IMG_9276-2.jpg |
 Hessle Haven IMG_9273-2.jpg |
 Queens Gardens Hul IMG_7966.jpg |
 Ducks Queens Gardens Hul IMG_7963.jpg |
 Queens Gardens Hull IMG_7952.jpg |
 Queens Gardens Hull IMG_7949.jpg |
 Bond St Hull IMG_7933.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_7918.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_7841.jpg |
 Rank Flour Mill demolition IMG_7829.jpg |
 Demolition of Rank Flour Mill IMG_7825.jpg |
 King Edward St, Hull IMG_4827.jpg |
 King Edward St, Hull IMG_4826.jpg |
 King Edward St, Hull IMG_4824.jpg |
 Whitefriargate, Hull IMG_4823.jpg |
 Carr Lane, Hull IMG_4821.jpg |
 Carr Lane, Hull IMG_4817.jpg |
 Bond St, Hull IMG_4808.jpg |
 Albion St, Hull IMG_4802.jpg |
 Prospect St, Hull IMG_4797.jpg |
 Prospect St, Hull IMG_4794.jpg |
 Brook St, Hull IMG_4790.jpg |
 The Priory demolition IMG_4523.jpgOn Spring Bank West was a large cinema - the Priory, from 1938 to 1959.
Used since for retail, now going. |
 Willerby Rd Hull IMG_4508.jpg |
 Calvert Rd Hull IMG_4505.jpg |
 Spring Bank West Hull IMG_4499.jpg |
 The Priory demolition IMG_4490.jpgOn Spring Bank West was a large cinema - the Priory, from 1938 to 1959.
Used since for retail, now going. |
 Kingston Upon Hull IMG_1913.jpg |
 Kingston Upon Hull IMG_1910.jpg |
 IMG_1078.jpg |
 Hull IMG_1076.jpg |
 payphone Wellington St IMG_9067.jpg |
 have a safe voyage IMG_9064.jpg |
 payphone Brisbane St IMG_9058.jpg |
 William St IMG_9055.jpg |
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 Hull University IMG_7013F.jpg |
 Hull University IMG_7010F.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd, Hull IMG_7004.jpg |
 Hull University IMG_7001.jpg |
 Hull University IMG_6998F.jpg |
 Hull University IMG_6995F.jpg |
 Hull University IMG_6990F.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd, Hull IMG_6975F.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd IMG_6971F.jpg |
 Urban Dawn.jpgAnlaby Rd, Hull
Shots taken within a couple of minutes of each other to show the changing sky as the sun rises. |
 Monument Bridge Hull IMG_6562.jpg |
 Monument Bridge Hull IMG_6559.jpg |
 Hanover Square Hull IMG_6555.jpg |
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 Anlaby Rd -5301.jpg |
 Anlaby Rd, Hull IMG_1020.jpg |
 Anlaby Rd, Hull IMG_1019.jpg |
 Anlaby Rd, Hull IMG_1011.jpg |
 Alfred Gelder St IMG_0936.jpg |
 Alfred Gelder St IIMG_0923.jpg |
 Alfred Gelder St IIMG_0922.jpg |
 Lowgate IMG_0920.jpg |
 Bowlalley Lane IMG_0918.jpg |
 Silver St IMG_0917.jpg |
 Carr Lane IMG_0906.jpg |
 Carr Lane IIMG_0903.jpg |
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 Gary Read IMG_0583.jpg |
 Matty and Joe IMG_0578.jpg |
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 Wellington St, Hull IMG_0550.jpg |
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 Lord Mayors day IMG_8013.jpg |
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 West Park entrance IMG_4685.jpg |
 Carnegie Library, Hull IMG_4652.jpgThe Carnegie Free Library at the gates of Hull’s West Park was one of 660 libraries in Britain and Ireland built with funds supplied by the Scottish industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Construction began in the winter of 1904, to the designs of the City Architect Joseph Hirst. |
 The Arctic Ranger IMG_4459.jpgAn unfortunate ailing estate pub, gradually being vandalised into oblivion. |
 King George Dock footbridge IMG_4407.jpg |
 King George Dock footbridge IMG_4404.jpg |
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 Anlaby Rd Hull IMG_2663.jpg |
 Courtney St IMG_2605.jpg |
 Courtney St IMG_2599.jpg |
 Wiltshire rd IMG_2556.jpg |
 Wiltshire Rd footbridge IMG_2535.jpg |
 Off to Work IMG_2521.jpg |
 Wiltshire Rd IMG_2502.jpg |
 Trolley on Linnaeus St IMG_2373.jpg |
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 sign of the chimes IMG_1887.jpgNorth Church Side |
 Alfred Gelder St corner IMG_1787.jpg |
 Carr Lane IMG_1696.jpg |
 Carr Lane IMG_1695.jpg |
 Paragon Arcade IMG_1693.jpg |
 Making Minions IMG_1688.jpgSugar and Spice Ltd in Paragon Arcade |
 Jameson St IMG_1684.jpg |
 Jameson St IMG_1683.jpg |
 Festival House IMG_1680.jpgFirst building raised from the ashes after Hull was bombed in world war 2, just 3 months before I was born! |
 ghost_box_IMG_1402.jpgGhost Box |
 Princes Quay rain IMG_1239-1.jpg |
 Victoria Square Hull IMG_1235.jpg |
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 River hull from swing bridge IMG_0324-2.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_0315.jpg |
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 Queens Gardens, Hull IMG_0225.jpg |
 Queens Gardens, Hull IMG_0207.jpg |
 Hull College IMG_0201.jpg |
 Princes Quay IMG_0182.jpg |
 Monument Bridge, Hull IMG_0164_1.jpg |
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 Hull IMG_0075.jpg |
 Autumn colours IMG_0049.jpg |
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 Paragon Station IMG_9461.jpg |
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 KC Stadium IMG_9451.jpg |
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 Lee's Rest Homes IMG_6011.JPG |
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 The Silver Cod IMG_3781.jpg |
 Carlton Theatre, Anlaby Rd Hull IMG_3763.jpg |
 Hessle IMG_3656-1.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_3654.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_3651.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_3645.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_3604.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_3603.jpg |
 Springhead Park IMG_3021.jpg |
 Springhead Park IMG_3006.jpg |
 Springhead Golf Course IMG_2995.jpg |
 Springhead Park IMG_2983.jpg |
 Willerby Square IMG_2973.jpg |
 West Ella IMG_2952.jpg |
 Swanland Hill IMG_2945.jpg |
 Springhead Park IMG_2930.jpg |
 Springhead Park IMG_2927.jpg |
 Hessle IIMG_2865.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2840.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2839.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2838.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2834.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2831.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2829.jpg |
 Willerby IMG_2816.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd IMG_2676.jpg |
 Cottingham Rd IMG_2669.jpg |
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 Elloughton -2577.jpg |
 Elloughton -2563.jpg |
 Elloughton -2556.jpg |
 Elloughton -2548.jpg |
 The Buccaneer, BroughIMG_2466.jpg |
 Brough IMG_2421.jpg |
 Brough IMG_2418.jpg |
 Melton Old Rd IMG_0976.jpg |
 Melton Old Rd IMG_0972.jpg |
 Melton IMG_0950.jpg |
 North Ferriby IMG_0920.jpg |
 Melton Rd North Ferriby IMG_0907.jpg |
 Approaching Snow at Ferriby IMG_0878.jpg |
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 St Andrews Dock 9572.jpg |
 St Andrews Dock IMG_9375.jpg |
 St Andrews Dock IMG_9345.jpg |
 Commercial Rd IMG_9308.jpg |
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 Victoria Pier, Hull IMG_8540.jpg |
 Victoria Pier, Hull IMG_8535.jpg |
 Somewhere to sleep IMG_7664.jpg |
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 Long Train into Hull IMG_7011.jpg |
 Hessle Station IMG_6990.jpg |
 Hessle Station IMG_6983.jpg |
 Hessle Sun Up IMG_5989.jpg |
 Morning train passing Selby St IMG_5864.jpg |
 Selby St Footbridge IMG_5744.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2410.jpg |
 The Charterhouse IMG_2389.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2370.jpg |
 Hull College Academic Centre IMG_2323.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2269.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2268.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2266.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2263.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2251.jpg |
 Hull IMG_2233.jpg |
 Hessle Foreshore 12-8-12 -1070.jpg |
 Hessle Foreshore 12-8-12 -1063.jpg |
 Race For Life - Hull -0871.jpg |
 Race For Life - Hull -0862.jpg |
 Race For Life - Hull -0860.jpg |
 Race For Life - Hull -0846.jpg |
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 Board School, Hull IMG_6923.jpg |
 marlborough terrace IMG_6900.jpg |
 Princes Ave, Hull IMG_5730.jpg |
 Princes Ave, Hull IMG_5726.jpg |
 Newland Ave, HullIMG_5720.jpg |
 Hessle 5711.jpg |
 Newtown Buildings, Hull IMG_4626 2.JPG |
 Porter St Flats - HRI -5544u.jpg |
 South St -5543u.jpg |
 Osborne St, Hull 5535.jpg |
 Anne St - Osborne St junction -5523u.jpg |
 River Hull footbridge progress IMG_0613.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_0598.jpg |
 River Hull IMG_0584.jpgshows river Hull footbridge progress |
 Snuff Mill Lane IMG_0121.jpg |
 Spring Bank IMG_0042.jpg |
 Spring Bank IMG_9981.jpg |
 Victoria Dock IMG_9925.jpg |
 Victoria Dock area IMG_9920.jpg |
 King George Dock IMG_9917.jpg |
 King George DockIMG_9908.jpg |
 King George DockIMG_9899.jpg |
 Victoria Dock IMG_9896.jpg |
 Deep Blue IMG_9823.jpg |
 Victoria Pier IMG_9816.jpg |
 Hull sunrise IMG_9383.jpg |
 The Maltings IMG_9322.jpg |
 Rememberance Day Hull 13-11-11 IMG_8427.jpg |
 Rememberance Day Hull 13-11-11 IIMG_8329.jpg |
 Holy Trinity Church IMG_8226.jpg |
 Holy Trinity Church IMG_8223.jpg |
 concrete sunrise IMG_8200.jpg |
 Garrison Rd IMG_8168.jpg |
 Hull sunrise IMG_8090.jpg |
 Victoria Pier, Hull IMG_0252.jpg |
 Architecture and Built Environment Centre IMG_3798.jpg |
 Richard Grainger IMG_3779.jpg |
 Humber St IMG_3772.jpg |
 Paul and Wendy Arrowsmith IMG_3753.jpg |
 Wendy Arrowsmith IMG_3745.jpgHull sea shanty festival, Ruscadors pub, outside stage. |
 Alan Whitbread IMG_3733.jpgHull sea shanty festival, Ruscadors pub, outside stage. |
 Alfred Gelder St IMG_3463.jpg |
 Manor St IMG_3453.jpg |
 Hepworths Arcade IMG_3438.jpg |
 Hepworths Arcade IMG_3435.jpg |
 Monument Bridge buskers IMG_3421.jpg |
 Victoria Square, Hull IMG_3360.jpg |
 IMG_3358.jpg |
 Hull centre IMG_4235.jpg |
 Hull centre IMG_4230.jpg |
 Hull IMG_4220.jpg |
 Green Lane, Eppleworth IMG_3320.jpg |
 Hessle Foreshore IMG_3266.jpg |
 Holderness Rd IMG_2978.jpg |
 Dansom Lane Hull IMG_2930.jpg |
 Sylvester St IMG_2914.jpg |
 Savile St IMG_2887.jpg |
 Wilberforce Health Centre IMG_2878.jpg |
 Holy Trinity Church and Spurn Lightship IMG_2761.jpg |
 mouse eye view of seat on Railway St Hull Marina.jpg |
 Haltemprice Crematorium IMG_1375.jpg |
 Victoria Dock IMG_1328.jpg |
 Victoria Dock, HullI MG_1295.jpg17th Century Citadel wall remains |
 Hull Citadel Walls remains.jpg |
 Hartley Bridge Victoria Dock.jpg |
 Victoria Dock IMG_1236.jpg |
 Victoria Dock IMG_1216.jpg |
 IMG_0353.jpg |
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 North Bridge IMG_8819.jpg |
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 IMG_8154.jpg |
 IMG_8097.jpg |
 Priory Rd dung heap IMG_8043.jpgcasting a pungent shroud along Priory Rd |
 IMG_7996.jpg |
 Hall St Volunteer Brigade Firestation IMG_7760.jpgFoounded 1887, disbanded 1891. The carvings are thought to show the captains of the time. |
 IMG_7759.jpg |
 IMG_7748.jpg |
 Chapel Lane IMG_7747.jpg |
 Hull History Museum windows IMG_7743.jpg |
 IMG_7643.jpg |
 IMG_7625.jpg |
 IMG_7301u.jpg |
 IMG_7101.jpg |
 Wincolmlee IMG_7089.jpg |
 King George Dock IMG_7075.jpg |
 King George Dock IMG_7056.jpg |
 King George Dock IMG_7031.jpg |
 Pride of Bruges IMG_6938.jpg |
 Pride of Bruges IMG_6935.jpga ferry tight squeeze |
 view from Market Place IMG_6815.jpg |
 view from Market Place IMG_6812.jpg |
 view from Garrison rd bridge IMG_6236.jpg |
 view from Garrison rd bridge IMG_6222.jpg |
 view from Garrison rd bridge IMG_6221.jpg |
 IMG_6199.jpg |
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 Queens Gardens fog IMG_6195.jpg |
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 IMG_5489-2.jpg |
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 IMG_5413-1.jpg |
 Hull Station from Park St Bridge IMG_5284-1.jpg |
 IMG_4373.jpg |
 Anlaby Rd 17-11-10 IMG_3785.jpg |
 North Ferriby IMG_3247.jpg |
 North Ferriby IMG_3246.jpg |
 IMG_0671.jpg |
 IMG_8393 The Deep through the Tidal Barrier.jpg |
 IMG_8391 River Hull and footbridge progress.jpg |
 IMG_8390.jpg |
 IMG_8387 River Hull and footbridge progress.jpg |
 IMG_8381.jpg |
 IMG_8361 Market Place.jpg |
 IMG_7511.jpg |
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 IMG_7501.jpg |
 IMG_7498.jpg |
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 IMG_6974 Baker Street Hull.jpg |
 IMG_6940.jpg |
 IMG_6873-2 Alison - Paramedic Practitioner.jpg |
 IMG_6675.jpg |
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 IMG_4190.jpg |
 IMG_4180 Railway house Beverley Rd.jpg |
 IMG_4174 Railway house Beverley Rd.jpg |
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 Roper St.jpg |
 IMG_4153 Thornton st flats.JPG |
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 IMG_3603.jpg |
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 The Maltings, Hull IMG_2490.jpg |
 IMG_1538.JPG Wincolmlee |
 IMG_1211.JPG Hessle Foreshore |
 IMG_1153.JPG |
 Midland St plants taking over.JPG |
 sun rising on Midland st.JPG |
 IMG_1047.jpg |
 IMG_1022.jpg |
 Hessle Foreshore 001.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 005.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 004.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 006.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 009.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 003.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 002.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 010.JPG |
 Hessle Foreshore 007.jpg |
 Hessle Foreshore 008.JPG |
 Katmandu Ferensway.JPG |
 IMG_8009 River Hull entrance.JPG |
 Tidal Barrier and The Deep 9am.JPG |
 North Bridge 8.40am.JPG |
 River Hull 8.38am.JPG |
 North Bridge 8.37am.JPG |
 figure on Victoria Pier.JPG |
 view across River Hull.JPG |
 Bridge over River Hull construction.JPG |
 Hull sunrise 26-11-9 001.JPG |
 Hull sunrise 26-11-9 002.JPG |
 IMG_5439.JPG |
 IMG_5435.JPG |
 IMG_5433.JPG |
 IMG_5430.JPG |
 King Edward st 29-10-9 11am.JPG |
 whats left of Birds Eye.jpgRemains of the Birds Eye food factory on Hessle Rd |
 IMG_1645.JPG |
 IMG_1643.JPG |
 IMG_1582 Marina.JPG |
 IMG_0728.JPG |
 IMG_0681.JPG |
 West Hull Rail Line.JPG |
 IMG_8768.JPG |
 IMG_8758.JPG |
 IMG_8757.JPG |
 IMG_8750.JPG |
 IMG_8748.JPG |
 IMG_8746.JPG |
 IMG_8736.JPG |
 White haired guy on North bridge.JPG |
 South Church Side |
 IMG_9582.JPG |
 Anlaby Rd IMG_1771.JPG |
 Alfred Gelder St 2.jpg |
 Alfred Gelder St IMG_1748.JPG |
 Alfred Gelder St.JPG |
 Hull College IMG_1734.JPG |
 Hull College and William Wilberforce monument |
 Mick Ronson Memorial.JPG |
 City Treasury.JPG |
 IMG_1703.JPG |
 IMG_1701.JPG |
 Parliament St |
 Hartoft Rd.JPG |
 Hull University 5.jpg |
 Hull University 4.jpg |
 Hull University 3.jpg |
 Pozition logo George st.jpg |
 George St.JPG |
 George st- Freetown way junction.JPG |
 Uni of Lincoln on George st.JPG |
 IMG_0845.JPG |
 IMG_0843.JPG |
 IMG_0840.JPG |
 IMG_0837.JPG |
 IMG_0828.JPG |
 IMG_0822.JPGQueen Victoria Square, Ferens Art Gallery in background |
 IMG_0819.JPG |
 IMG_0815.JPG |
 F R Scott.JPG |
 Hessle rd 20-3-2009.JPG |
 Hessle rd 20-3-9.JPG |
 Coltman st corner.JPG |
 Boulevard junction.JPG |
 Park St.JPG |
 view from Park St bridge 2.JPG |
 view from Park St bridge.JPG |
 Willerby Low Rd 003.JPG |
 Willerby Low Rd 002.JPG |
 Willerby Low Rd 001.JPG |
 Boulevard.JPG |
 View 2 from Admin block Castle hill Hospital |
 View from Admin block Castle hill Hospital |
 Pipe Major Dale McLean |
 IMG_9709.JPG |
 KIng George Dock 28-NOV-2008 |
 KIng George Dock 3 28-NOV-2008 |
 KIng George Dock 4 28-NOV-2008 |
 IMG_9038.JPG |
 KIng George Dock 2 28-NOV-2008 |
 12-9-8 Hessle rd 004.jpg |
 12-9-8 Hessle rd 005.jpg |
 12-9-8 Hessle rd 002.JPG |
 12-9-8 Hessle rd 001.JPG |
 River Hull 6-9-8 |
 Lowgate corner |
 Lowgate |
 IMG_2751.JPG |
 lovely Autumn weather |
 The Station.JPG |
 the Bull Inn.JPG |
 Beverley Rd Baths.JPG |
 Site of Needlers chocolate factory |
 Eppleworth rd 12-8-8.jpg |
 Bankside bridge.JPG |
 Bankside2 3-8-8.jpg |
 from Clough rd Bridge.JPG |
 IMG_0460.JPG |
 Dunswell lane 23-7-8.JPG |
 Priory rd3 14-7-8.jpg |
 Priory rd2 14-7-8.jpg |
 Priory rd 14-7-8.jpg |
 Princes ave5 14-7-8.jpg |
 Princes ave6 14-7-8.jpg |
 IMG_0986-03.jpg |
 Reckitts.jpg |
 IMG_0965-01.jpg |
 Holderness rd5 30-6-8.jpg |
 Holderness rd6.jpg |
 Alfred Kneeshaw park2.jpg |
 Valiant Drive rear- Bilton Grange.jpg |
 Holderness rd2 30-6-8.JPG |
 Greenwich ave.jpg |
 King Edward st 27-6-8.JPG |
 Paragon arcade.JPG |
 Veterans Day011.JPG |
 Veterans Day002.JPG |
 Veterans Day001.JPG |
 Veterans Day007.JPG |
 Veterans Day004.JPG |
 Spring st 25-6-8.jpg |
 Emmaus Hall 1891 25-6-8.jpg |
 Trafalgar st 25-6-8.jpg |
 Beverley Rd3 25-6-8.jpg |
 Beverley Rd2 25-6-8.jpg |
 Beverley rd5 25-6-8.jpg |
 Beverley rd4 25-6-8.jpg |
 Board School 1878 25-6-8.JPG |
 Spencer st 25-6-8.JPG |
 Blundells corner 25-6-8.JPG |
 Kingswood 4.jpg |
 Kingswood 20-6-8.jpg |
 St James Sutton.jpg |
 Lowfield rd.jpg |
 Anlaby 19-6-8.jpg |
 IMG_0441-01.jpg |
 Sutton 19-6-8.jpg |
 KIngswood Art College.jpg |
 Ennerdale Bridge.jpg |
 Spring Bank West 18-6-8.JPG |
 14-6-8.jpg |
 Whitefriargate 14-6-8.JPG |
 Monument bridge 14-6-8.JPG |
 IMG_4417.JPG |
 HRI June 08.jpg |
 Ice House Rd.jpg |
 Osborne st 11-6-8.jpg |
 Midland St June 08.jpg |
 Tower Cinema - for sale - again.jpg |
 11-6-08 - still derelict. a year later jpg |
 opposite Paragon Station 11-6-8 - still derelict2.jpg |
 Londesborough St 11-6-8.jpg |
 St Mathews Anlaby Rd.jpg |
 Anlaby rd 11-6-8.jpg |
 Argyle st bridge.JPG |
 IMG_4223.JPGCameras?...does that include mobile phone cameras?...TV cameras? |
 Garden Village.jpg |
 The Mill.jpg |
 IMG_9956-01 along Hessle Rd.jpg |
 IMG_4023.JPG |
 defunct Lexington Ave formerly Mecca-Locarno.JPG |
 Princess Royal Hospital 4.jpg |
 Princess Royal Hospital 2.jpg |
 Brynmor Jones library Hull University.jpg |
 Hull University 2.jpg |
 Princess Royal Hospital 3.jpg |
 Charterhouse - Charterhouse lane |
 North bridge steps |
 The White Harte |
 Hepworths arcade roof |
 IMG_8153-01.jpg |
 St Pauls boxing club |
 Holy Trinity 4 |
 Market square 3 |
 Holy Trinity front door.JPG |
 Roper St.JPG |
 Willerby Low rd |
 King Billy and Holy Trinity |
 Market square 5 |
 Dunswell Lane 8.12am |
 Bishop Burton.jpg |
 River Hull from Wincolmlee 3 |
 River Hull from Wincolmlee 2 |
 River Hull from Wincolmlee |
 Victoria pier 5 |
 Where the sadly missed(or not) outdoor market used to be.jpg |
 Victoria pier 7 |
 Fountain Rd area 2.jpg |
 Fountain Rd area.jpg |
 Fountain Rd area 4 |
 Fountain Rd area 3 |
 Bankside 2 |
 Bankside |
 Princes Quay 6 |
 Victoria Square 8 |
 Victoria Square 7 |
 off Wright st |
 Edwin Davis rear |
 East Park autumn001.jpg |
 Hull Royal Infirmary 4 |
 East Park autumn005.jpg |
 East Park autumn004.jpg |
 East Park autumn003.jpg |
 East Park autumn002.jpg |
 ghost workers Victoria square.jpg |
 New Cross st 7.33am |
 Paragon st 7.28am |
 King Edward st 7.20am |
 Prospect st Oct 10 7-11am.jpg |
 Victoria pier 3 |
 Victoria pier 2 |
 The Minerva pub and brewery |
 St Stephens shops 2Finished. Well, not quite....leaks when it rains, allegedly, and many parts are empty. Time will tell. |
 St Stephens shops |
 view from St Stephens car park 3 |
 view from St Stephens car park 2 |
 view from St Stephens car park |
 Victoria Square 9 |
 Englands smallest window.jpg |
 Cottingham rd 07.05.jpg |
 Princes Dock st 2 |
 Clough rd bridge.jpg |
 Victoria pier immigrant monument |
 Paull looking at BP |
 Saltend |
 Saltend wild life sanctuary 2 |
 River Humber view 5 |
 William Wright Dock 3 |
 River Humber view 6 |
 Minerva pier |
 William Wright Dock 6 |
 Humber derelict pier |
 Deep view 2 |
 IMG_7679-01.jpg |
 William Wright Dock 7 |
 William Wright Dock 8 |
 William Wright Dock 9 |
 view from William Wright Dock |
 Pennine trail along the Humber |
 Marina festival |
 Deep view 6 |
 Well st |
 IMG_6776-01.jpg |
 marina view 10 |
 marina basin |
 Humber small boats race 2 |
 Humber small boats race |
 IMG_6729-01.jpg |
 Humber looking upstream 4 |
 Humber looking downstream.jpg |
 Humber looking upstream.jpg |
 Paull lighthouse.jpg |
 Humber looking upstream 3 |
 Humber looking upstream 2 |
 footpath by BP Chemicals.jpg |
 Hull City Centre in the rain.jpg |
 Hull City Centre in the rain 2 |
 William Wilberforce 2 |
 St Marys interior.jpg |
 St Marys Cottingham stained glass.jpg |
 St Marys interior 2.jpg |
 The Whittington and Cat.jpg |
 view from marina to Princes quay |
 marina view 9 |
 William st 2.jpg |
 Cottingham busker |
 marina view 7 |
 Hull crest |
 Beverley Rd rooftops |
 Spring Bank |
 Prospect st 2 |
 Prospect st |
 Waterhouse lane |
 River Hull 6 |
 Garrison rd Bridge |
 from Jenning st bridge 2 |
 River Hull ,awaiting demolition |
 River Hull low tide 7 |
 River Hull 5 |
 River Hull 7 |
 River Hull 4 |
 North bridge 6 |
 from Jenning st bridge |
 opposite Paragon Station, Anlaby Rd 12-6-7This eyesore lies only 500 yds or so from the new St Stephens shopping project. Priorities?. |
 River Hull low tide 6 |
 River side of streetlife museum |
 River Hull low tide 5 |
 River Hull sculpture |
 Clarence Flour Mill |
 River Hull low tide 2 |
 Ye Olde White Harte 2 |
 Manchester Arms 2 |
 William Wilberforce house2.jpg |
 William Wilberforce.jpg |
 Drypool bridge 3 |
 River Hull low tide 4 |
 River Hull low tide 3 |
 true love plaque.jpg |
 true love.jpg |
 The Deep 4 |
 Humber walkway.jpg |
 Humber walkway North Ferriby.jpg |
 Hull skyline 3 |
 marina view 2 |
 marina view 1 |
 Holy Trinity church 5 |
 King Billy 3 |
 The Deep view 3 |
 The Deep view 2 |
 Minerva brewery |
 Victoria pier gents |
 IMG_1319-01.jpg |
 marina view 3 |
 for sale signs for sale.jpg |
 view from HRI.jpg |
 view2 from HRI - KC Stadium |
 old hri.jpg |
 Victoria Square 5 |
 garage fire near porter st.JPG |
 Pearson park2.jpg |
 Pearson park.jpg |
 Westbourne ave.jpg |
 from Dunswell Lane.jpg |
 Victoria house 2 |
 BP chemical works with river Humber on left |
 Humber Dock st |
 Hull marina 5 |
 Hull Royal Infirmary old block |
 outside Ferens art gallery |
 Queens Gardens and Maritime museum |
 off Bowlalley lane |
 The marina from Princes Quay 2 |
 Holy Trinity Church in bank windows |
 near the tidal barrier |
 River Hull looking north |
 Scale Lane |
 Liberty Lane 2 |
 view from Scott st bridge.jpg |
 Bewlays Pipe Pub interior.jpgOne of Hulls oldest, and well kept establishments, nice to see it still with us despite anti-smoking hooha. |
 Bewlays Pipe Pub |
 Victoria house former childrens hospital.jpg |
 The marina from Princes Quay.jpg |
 Victoria square 3 |
 German market King Edward St 6.jpg |
 German market King Edward St 5.jpg |
 German market King Edward St 4.jpg |
 German market King Edward St 3.jpg |
 German market King Edward St 2.jpg |
 German market King Edward St.jpg |
 Garrison rd |
 King George dock 2 |
 King George dock 3 |
 King George dock 4 |
 Victoria Pier |
 river humber 7.30am showing the Deep - submarium |
 river humber 7.30am |
 Hull marina front dusk |
 RMN monument |
 Hull waterfront Victoria Pier |
 Holy Trinity church 2 |
 Holy Trinity church |
 Ye Olde Blue Bell |
 East Park18 |
 East Park17 |
 East Park16 |
 East Park15 |
 East Park Wicksteed splashboat sequence.jpg |
 splash |
 East Park 11 |
 East Park12 |
 Skidby Mill phonebox 3 |
 Hepworths arcade 5 |
 River Hull view 4 |
 Manchester Arms |
 Humber view 7 |
 Humber view 6 |
 Humber bridge cyclist |
 view from bridge5 |
 view from bridge4 |
 view from bridge2 |
 Humber bridge phone |
 Victoria pier 5 |
 Belinda |
 the Co-op.jpgThe once great CO-OP, now gone, home to the Skyline ballroom - later to become Romeo and Juliet disco. The curved disco roof can be seen top left. |
 WillinghamsThere's something irresistable about a breakers yard - must be a bloke thing |
 Punch Hotel.JPG |
 Easter Monday Posterngate 2.JPG |
 Easter Monday Prince st 1.JPG |
 Pipe Major Dale McLean Hull city centre.JPGPipe Major Dale McLean of The City of Hull Pipe Band www.cityofhullpipeband.com |
 Age Concern bumble bee lady.jpg |
 Princes Dock st |
 The Deep view 2b.JPG |
 The Deep view 1.JPG |
 aboard lightship.JPG |
 Bilbo Baggins 2 |
 Spurn lightship.JPG |
 Bilbo Baggins.JPG |
 Ye Olde White Harte |
 Indoor market baker 3.JPG |
 Indoor market baker 2.jpg |
 Indoor market baker.jpg |
 veterans.JPG |
 Prince Street in rain.jpg |
 St Mathews Anlaby Rd.jpgOne of Hulls many 'odd architechture' churhes viewed from waste ground on Anlaby rd |
 Hull Royal InfirmaryHull Royal Infirmary, the older building was a former workhouse, and is in use as wards. The irony is, I'm sure, not lost on the nursing staff working there. |
 Hull marina 4 |
 Hull marina and lightship.JPG |
 Minerva terrace |
 Mrechant Navy monument Victoria pier |
 Horse wash/Admirals steps.JPGHorses were brought here for a wash. 'The Deep' with love it or hate it shape in background. |
 The Deep 2.jpg |
 Arctic Corsair.JPG |
 River Hull tidal barrier |
 River Hull estuary area |
 The Deep framed by tidal barrier.JPG |
 Drypool bridge 4Using Canon wide angle adaptor and cropped/straightened a little in PSP. |
 Drypool bridge walkway.JPGCanon DC-58n wide adaptor used. |
 Drypool bridge 2 |
 Hulls museum quarter.JPG |
 Drypool bridge.JPG |
 North bridge.JPG |
 river Hull.JPG |
 Scott st bridge built 1901.JPG |
 Posterngate viewed from Princes quayShot through glass |
 Hull centre with monster goggle box |
 Clouds over Humber.jpg |
 view across the Humber.jpg |
 Hull Princes quay.JPGthis was once a dock, full of ships, cutters, tall masts, barges etc. Can't say that it looks better now. |
 broken fence.jpg |
 woods near Riplingham.jpgI swear when I took it, I could see Gandalf waving in the distance... |
 treemist.JPGJust outside of Hull England. |
 cattle in frost |
 The famous Dinsdales joke shop.JPG |
 Hepworths arcadefeaturing Dinsdales famous joke shop. |
 The Model shop, one of Hulls oldest.JPG |
 Blundells cornerBlundells has long gone, but for some odd reason the name persists. The large building is home to the Hull Daily Mail. |
 King Edward st.JPG |
 Carnegie library.JPG |
 Northumberland Court.JPG |
 River Hull and Wilmington bridge.JPG |
 Wilmington bridge 2.JPG |
 Wilmington bridge.JPGCanon a95 using a wide angle lens adaptor, approx 27mm equiv coverage. Trains used to run over this bridge which is still manned, and pivots around 90degrees occasionally to allow tall masts through. |
 Wilmington bridge and British Extracting Co |
 The once great Edwin Davis store.JPG |
 looking towards St Stephens square.JPG |
 Hull Cenotaph.JPG |
 Cenotaph Hull centreThis monument was erected to commemorate the fallen of the Boer war, but has assumed that role for all conflicts since. |
 Hull Tower cinema.JPGA95 with WC-DC52 wide lens adaptor
Now a nightclub - 2nd, or is it 3rd incarnation,
famous for its sticky carpets and undocumented unisex toilets. |
 ABC cinema gone - where the Beatles played.JPG |
 Paragon station HullThis booking office is no longer used, but retained for historical reasons. It may well be a listed building. |
 Princes Quay 2.jpg |
 before the delugeBuilding on the right is the fishing/whaling museum. A monument to the heroism of early whalers, and object lesson in mans inhumanity to other creatures. |
 North bridge open for repair.jpg |
 IMG_2891 |
 The Humber looking east.jpg |
 Hull marina.jpg |
 Wilberforce House.jpgCanon A80 |
 building Drypool bridge.jpgScanned from a glass negative. The original was broken and in very poor condition, requiring extensive repair. It shows, I beleive, the construction of Hull's Drypool Bridge across the river Hull, date unknown but probably early 1900. Would be grateful if anyone has info about this picture. |
 Minerva pub and brewery 2.jpg |
 Princes Quay 27-8-8.jpg |
 Ghandi Way.jpg |
 old ticket office.jpg |
 pigeon man Victoria Square.jpg |
 Durty Nellies |
 last of the snow near Raywell |
 Hull Skyline.jpg |
 Princes Dock circa 1976 |
 River Hull 0272.jpg |
 12-9-8 Hessle rd 003.jpg |
 Lowgate 2.jpg |
 sea of trees.jpg |
 Victoria pier 6 |
 Black Boy Pub 2.jpg |
 River Hull pan.jpg3 images from Canon A720is stitched. |
 German submarine river Humber.jpga scanned old negative showing a German submarine grounded on the Humber. The donator knows nothing else about this event, nor do I unfortunately. Any info would be welcomed. |
 Park st |
 Hull marina December morning |
 Black Boy Pub.jpg |
 IMG_9625-01.jpg |
 Lee's Rest Homes IMG_6017.JPG |
 Lee's Rest Homes IMG_6021.JPG |
 Church lane |
 Chapel lane corner |
 River Hull2 6-9-8 |
 Lowgate corner 2 |
 Midland st.jpg |
 Paragon Square |
 Hull skyline 2 |
 Hull skyline |
 Hull marina December morning 2 |
 Hull College detail.jpg |
 Paragon station interior.jpg |
 Hull marina December morning 3 |
 Humber walkway2.jpg |
 River Hull low tide |
 once a fishdock.jpg |
 Tidal barrier 3 |
 Charlottes training restaurant near North bridge |
 Princess Royal Hospital.jpgSoon to be closed |
 William Booth House.jpg |
 marina view 8 |
 Ferensway 8.45am |
 Sodium Lit IMG_4998.jpg |
 Bishop lane 6-9-8 |
 Bankside 16-8-9.jpg |
 Cottingham rail line |
 German submarine river Humber2.JPG |
 Hull Princes Quay.jpg |
 Going soon ? - Whittington and Cat.jpg |
:: Hull Freedom Festival 2019 ::
:: Hull Folk Dancing Club Centenary 2019 ::
:: Freedom Festival 2018 ::
:: Remembrance Sunday 12/11/17 ::
:: hull_minster ::
:: Hull Pride 2017 ::
:: Hessle Feast 2017 ::
:: Hull 1/1/17 City of culture opening ::
:: Queens Gardens, Hull ::
:: Hull museums ::
:: Princes Quay April 13 2009 ::
:: Pearson Park ::
:: Remembrance Sunday ::
:: Pickering Park ::
:: Hull Fair ::
:: HMS Bounty Albert Dock ::
:: Nostalgia, WW2 etc. weekends, East Park ::
:: Hull Marina ::
:: The River Humber ::
:: East Park, Hull ::
:: Hull city centre construction ::
:: Humber Bridge and Humber Bridge Country Park ::
:: French Market in Hull centre ::