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Harvey Wilson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Around Louisiana > Interstate 10
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Interstate 10

Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana

Heading East over the Atchafalaya Basin

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Guest 30-Sep-2007 15:43
I passed over this section of highway quite a few times and always wondered how good this perspective would be. Well, now I know and next time I pass by I'm going to try and stop off and get a shot like this...not unless I need a boat. :)
Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 07:18
Wonderful perpective, and a sharp vanishing point. ~V~
Ken Zaret23-Sep-2007 14:59
excellent, draws you in
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Sep-2007 17:32
Excellent capture, Vote.
Ken Smith08-Sep-2007 08:56
Just fantastic! I10 has never looked so good