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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> mammals >> Deer > 20110605 - 2 006 SERIES - White-tailed Deer.jpg
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05-JUN-2011 Hank v/d Velde

20110605 - 2 006 SERIES - White-tailed Deer.jpg


Three images of the small 10 point buck that was wounded last Fall. These are my first shots of him this spring/summer. He seems to be doing very well. The wound on his left side, however, is still oozing some puss which he periodically seems to remove. see for last fall's images of the wound.

Top image: My first shot of him in a summer setting. Note that the location of the right-side entry wound from last fall is still evident by a white line near the middle/top of its back.

Left side view taken on June 5, 2011. Note that puss is still oozing from the exit wound. Note also the new velvet-covered rack he is sporting. Not sure from this image how many points it might get.

A head shot taken on June 14, 2011. The rack seems to have grown considerably in the nine days since the second image was taken. It now appears pretty certain that he will be at least a 10 pointer, maybe 11, probably much heavier than last fall.

Note: Other than two very young bucks which hung around with the pregnant does for a few days, this is the only buck constantly with the herd of does and young this spring. During rutting season last fall, there were several large bucks fighting for dominance. All but this one disappeared deep into the woods once rutting season was over. Perhaps this buck will be the dominant one this fall???

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Range View 30-Sep-2011 04:06
Great captures Hank. Interesting to follow his story and wish that his recovery continues successfully.
Dominic Cantin25-Jun-2011 16:57
Incredible to see the evolution so fast ! Thanks for sharing Hank !

Dom :)
Len23-Jun-2011 13:31
Lovely captures of this White-tail in velvet Hank,perhaps the saga will continue this fall!!!!
Chris Spracklen22-Jun-2011 23:30
Awesome series, Hank.
Wonderful photos of these magnificent animals.
Guest 22-Jun-2011 16:50
Great timing, beautiful pose and colors.
Lennart Waara22-Jun-2011 15:33
A dramatic story and pictures to go with it! Great work! V
bill friedlander22-Jun-2011 14:02
Fabulous series, very clear shots of the deer. Looks like a very healthy specimen. V
lou_rozensteins22-Jun-2011 08:34
Beautiful shots .... nice work!
NealyBob22-Jun-2011 07:58
Excellent series of shot of this beautiful deer Hank! Glad he made it through the Winter~!
January Grey22-Jun-2011 06:31
this poor guy needs to find a hiding place till hunting season is over. nice series, Hank.
Simon Chandler22-Jun-2011 05:36
Wow, excellent images. Beautiful portraits. v
slhoornstra22-Jun-2011 03:59
Great shots, Hank!! I hope he will continue to improve and that by now the hunter has shot his own foot. V
Bryan Murahashi22-Jun-2011 03:55
A very hearty buck. Great photos, Hank.
hge5422-Jun-2011 03:49
Great series, Hank. I had no idea that antlers grew so rapidly.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet22-Jun-2011 03:44
Very nice series.
larose forest photos22-Jun-2011 02:45
BEAUTIFUL series Hank, and so very glad you have updated us on his progress. I have been wondering. I was by there today and saw a couple of does as I drove past.
Marcia Colelli22-Jun-2011 02:17
Beautiful series. Nice details V
Ted Busby22-Jun-2011 01:41
he's a handsome fellow Hank!
Great to see how they are progressing this summer...
I may need to get out there for a visit one day soon.
Nora van Beek22-Jun-2011 01:40
Excellent shots of this resilient deer! I'm glad to see that he seems okay. I hope you will be able to continue following his progress.
Lise De Serres22-Jun-2011 01:01
It looks very good in the first picture!
Very nicely framed!!
Jean D22-Jun-2011 01:00
Fantastic captures of this big guy. Looks in fine health! Beautiful velvet antlers. Superb, Hank.
Lieve Snellings22-Jun-2011 00:54
terrific !
jychamberland22-Jun-2011 00:43
beautiful serie Hank! particulary i love the first one.
Suzanne Labbé22-Jun-2011 00:40
Wonderful series Hank ! Bravissimo ^V^
Char22-Jun-2011 00:37
The poor fellow. This are beautiful shots, Hank! \/
Tom Munson22-Jun-2011 00:21
That's a tough deer, Hank! Great to see he made the winter.
Robert Houde21-Jun-2011 23:51
Very nice work Hank.
Jim Coffman21-Jun-2011 23:39
Hank, these are really nice!!
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