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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Manipulated > lost and found
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lost and found

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
2s f/25.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Naomi 27-Aug-2007 14:49
Haunting image, and thought provoking. V
Kathy Pedersen06-Mar-2007 16:20
Hauntingly Beautiful Rene, Vote
Guest 05-Mar-2007 15:06
a bit eeri , but i love it.
Victoria05-Mar-2007 09:55
Very touchful words
Stu05-Mar-2007 00:19
Simply beautiful
Ken Smith01-Mar-2007 23:45
The neck makes this ‘out of this world’ for me. The more you take time to look at this, the greater it becomes. Christine said it well.

One of your best I think.
Guest 01-Mar-2007 22:19
Very effusive, love it..v
J. Scott Coile01-Mar-2007 19:49
Guest 01-Mar-2007 01:23
I agree w/ Christine...I'm always pleansantly surprised at your creativity too,Rene.
Guest 01-Mar-2007 00:38
A marvelous image. I love the crack marks making the person looking sort of old plaster-of-paris-ish. Make sure the marks don't extend beyond the person.

Christine P. Newman28-Feb-2007 22:51
You always surprise us Rene. Original and fascinating, like a grandmother coming back from beyond to say goodbye.