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: curvilinear :

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/320s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 20-Mar-2009 04:04
Not too Shabby!!
L. Gould02-Nov-2005 22:15
I like the selective dof and the bright green color. The gentle curve of the leaf adds a lot to the composition as well. very well done. :)
Jose Paulo Andrade15-Sep-2005 10:55
Very good use of depth of field.
Guest 06-Sep-2005 03:03
Kind of a dizzying, mesmerizing effect. Lovely.
Donald Verger17-Aug-2005 02:09
gorgeous curves!!! vote
Guest 07-Jul-2005 14:24
beautiful : I like the wave and the colors
Guest 14-Jun-2005 22:19
IVery Nice Shot. Like the fact you have kept the dof to a minimum and just kept some of the edge of the leave in focus. Extremely well done