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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Amber Glass > : Seed Gate :
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: Seed Gate :

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/60s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Feb-2008 00:33
Love this shot, Rene. I like to work with beeswax and it looks like layers and layers
of trasparancies with wax lit from behind. You have inspired me to try this effect.
Wonderful gallery. Brenda
nomada17-Jun-2007 10:36
my favorite! big vote!
jude13-May-2007 15:43
Saw this in Show and Tell... sooo very excellent.. there is something so alien yet enticing about the seeds behind a seeming sheer wall.. Love this one.
Guest 19-Sep-2005 11:09
Excellent use of lighting effect..
Guest 18-Sep-2005 03:31
great! wonderful gold colors and composition, love the repetition of forms
Guest 26-May-2005 14:46
The below guest was me. I don't know when I have been logout automactically.
Guest 26-May-2005 14:42
I like this one too. It contains lots of details and colors. I wish I had such a photo enlarged to 40 inches wide hanging at my living room.
Guest 16-Mar-2005 20:20
I really like this one! It is very evocative and moody with lots of depth. Trish