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Weapons, tools and personal implements
Viking Age sword, 92.5 cm, perhaps a variant Peterson Type X, traces of gilding and pattern weld are visible. Very large socketed spear head, 46 cm, Latvia. 19 cm Dane axe, Peterson Type M, 10-11th century, lake find, Gotland. Viking Age whetstone with suspension perforation, 12 cm, Ukraine. See Androshchuk & Zostenko 2012 pg 344 for a similar example.
Beast and raven, Viking sword chape (Type 1b2), 74 mm, attributed to the Scandinavian Borre style (Janowski & Fudzinska 2006). Paulsen's Borre Style type B copper alloy sword chape, 69 mm. Ukraine. Birka falcon copper alloy sword scabbard chape, 62 mm, first half of the 10th century, Gorodyshche. Birka falcon copper alloy sword chape, 59 mm, first half of the 10th century. Known from Sweden and Ukraine. Chernihiv.
Horse and rider dagger chape in copper alloy, 32 x 30 mm, late Anglo-Saxon, 11th century. Found in Norfolk, UK. Representation of an 11th-12th century warrior in chainmail, bearing a kite shield and a spear. Copper alloy, 43 mm. Roger I coin showing the shield, spear and helmet of a Norman mounted knight Mounts from a Viking Age drinking horn, 8th- 11th century, Baltic. The ring is 7 cm across and exhibits fine chasing.
Backward looking lion and warrior on Viking Age earspoon.