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Hajar | profile | all galleries >> Oman above and below water >> Salalah tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A strangely damp and foggy part of Arabia with frankincense trees on the edge of the dry plateau above.
Shining sunbird Salalah parakeet Salalah Ruppel's weaver Salalah bird2.jpg Salalah bird5.jpg
Salalah waterspouts 1.jpg Salalah waterspouts 2.jpg Camels on the coast Gordon's wildcat in the mist Frankincense high on the jebel
Frankincense high on the jebel Camel high on the jebel with the khareef fog in the background Camel high on the jebel with the khareef fog in the background Salalah camel 3.jpg Sooty gulls at Samhuram
Frog in Wadi Dirbat Wadi Dirbat in the mist Wadi Dirbat in the mist Wadi Dirbat Wadi Dirbat beetle
Samhuran script.jpg Samhuran.jpg Samhuran damselfly Boug in the mist.jpg Salalah frankincence 3.jpg