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Wingspan Photos | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oregon State Prison logging show tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Oregon State Prison logging show

Loggers everywere
Loggers everywere
Spring board chop
Spring board chop
Axe throw
Axe throw
Is this thing on??
Is this thing on??
The pull start
The pull start
First cut
First cut
Cutting a chair and stool
Cutting a chair and stool
All done.
All done.
Fits great.
Fits great.
How not to start a chainsaw
How not to start a chainsaw
Pull hard
Pull hard
Ready to chop
Ready to chop
Pole climb
Pole climb
Ronda (she drove the prisoners nuts)
Ronda (she drove the prisoners nuts)
The Chop.jpg
The Chop.jpg