Iceland Gull (ostensible) |
 Iceland Gull (ostensible) |
 Iceland Gull (ostensible) |
 Iceland Gull (ostensible) |
 Iceland Gull (ostensible) |
 Merlin |
 Short-eared Owl |
 Snowy Owl |
 Snowy Owl |
 Snowy Owl |
 Gray Jay |
 Great Horned Owl |
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
 Harris's Sparrow |
 Brant |
 Merlin |
 Red-tailed Hawk |
 Mountain Bluebird |
 Purple Finch |
 Western Meadowlark |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Cedar Waxwing |
 Field Sparrow |
 Lapland Longspur |
 Purple Finch |
 Northern Harrier |
 Northern Bobwhite |
 Ring-necked Pheasant |
 Pine Warbler |
 Pine Warbler |
 Tufted Duck |
 Tufted Duck |
 Brant |
 Brant |
 Brant |
 Mew Gull |
 Glaucous Gull |
 Greater White-fronted Goose |
 Greater White-fronted Goose |
 Barrow's Goldeneye |
 Snow Goose (juv, white form) |
:: nc_birds_1111 ::
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Pomarine Jaeger |
 Red-tailed Hawk |
 Harris's Sparrow |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Common Ground-Dove |
 Common Ground-Dove |
 Common Ground-Dove |
 Common Ground-Dove |
 Trumpeter Swan |
 Mew Gull |
 Thayer's Gull |
 Thayer's Gull |
 Thayer's Gull |
 Lesser Black-backed Gull |
 White-winged Scoter |
 White-winged Scoter |
 White-winged Scoter |
 White-winged and Black Scoter |
 Black Scoter |
 Merlin |
 Pacific Loon |
 Black-billed Magpie |
:: ross's gull_revisited ::
 Common Loon |
 Common Loon |
 Long-tailed Duck |
 Red-necked Grebe |
 Ring-billed Gull |
 Rough-legged Hawk (dark form) |
 Rough-legged Hawk (dark form) |
 Rough-legged Hawk |
 Rough-legged Hawk |
 Red-tailed Hawk (dark form) |
 Red-tailed Hawk (dark form) |
 Red-tailed Hawk (dark form) |
 Ferruginous Hawk |
 Ferruginous Hawk |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Prairie Falcon |
 Northern Harrier |
 Red Crossbill |
 Red Crossbill |
 Red Crossbill |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Cassin's Finch |
 White-winged Junco (thru window) |
 Mew Gull |
 Mew Gull |
 Common Loon |
 Arctic Tern |
 Arctic Tern |
 Red-throated Loon |
 Red-throated Loon |
 Anna's Hummingbird |
 Anna's Hummingbird |
 Anna's Hummingbird |
 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
 McCown's Longspur |
 McCown's Longspur |
 Chestnut-collared Longspur |
 LeConte's Sparrow |
 LeConte's Sparrow |
 Palm Warbler |
 Prothonotary Warbler |
 Prothonatary Warbler |
 Sandhill Cranes |
 Orange-crowned Warbler |
 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
 Pectoral Sandpiper |
 Eastern Phoebe |
 Black-bellied Plover |
 American Golden-Plover |
 American Golden-Plover |
 shorebirds |
 American Pipit |
 Philadelphia Vireo |
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
 Cassin's Kingbird |
 Cassin's Vireo |
 White-crowned Sparrow |
 Gray Catbird |
 Blue-headed Vireo |
 Blue-headed Vireo |
 Blue-headed Vireo |
 Cassin's Kingbird |
:: long-tailed_jaeger ::
 Chestnut-sided Warbler |
 Canada Warbler |
 Canada Warbler |
 Red Knot |
 Red Knot |
 Baird's Sandpiper |
 Baird's Sandpiper |
 Western Sandpiper |
 Semipalmated Plover, Western Sandpiper |
 Semipalmated Plover |
 Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
 Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
 Yellow-billed Cuckoo (juvenile) |
 Yellow-billed Cuckoo (juvenile) |
 Wild Turkey |
 possible Yellow-bellied Flycatcher |
 possible Yellow-bellied Flycatcher |
 Grasshopper Sparrow (juvenile) |
 Great Crested Flycatcher |
 Chimney Swift |
 Black-And-White Warbler |
 Baltimore Oriole |
 American Redstart |
 American Redstart |
 American Redstart |
 Black-chinned Hummingbird |
 Lesser Black-backed Gull |
 Lesser Black-backed Gull |
 Dickcissel |
 Dickcissel |
 Mallard |
 Least Sandpiper |
 Cooper's Hawk |
 California Gull (juvenile) |
 California Gull (2nd cyc) |
:: 2011_hummingbirds ::
 Crested Caracara |
 Carolina Wren |
 Red Crossbill |
 Red Crossbill |
 Prairie Warbler |
 White-tailed Ptarmingan |
 White-tailed Ptarmingan |
 Mountain Goat |
 Yellow-bellied Marmot |
 Bobolink |
 Bobolink |
 Bobolink |
 Tree Swallow |
 Grasshopper Sparrow |
 Cassin's Sparrow |
 Cassin's Sparrow |
 Cassin's Sparrow |
 Eastern Phoebe (juvi?) |
 Eastern Phoebe |
 White-eyed Vireo |
 Red-eyed Vireo |
 Plumbeous Vireo |
 Summer Tanager |
 Vermilion Flycatcher |
:: western_gull ::
 Ash-throated Flycatcher |
 Bay-breasted Warbler |
 Upland Sandpiper |
 Red-headed Woodpecker |
 Clay-colored Sparrow |
 Western Wood-Pewee |
 Burrowing Owl |
 American Redstart |
 Blackpoll Warbler |
 Blackburnian Warbler |
 trails flycatcher |
 Chestnut-sided Warbler |
 Great Crested Flycatcher |
 Veery |
 Orchard Oriole |
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
 Cedar Waxwing |
 Blackpoll Warbler |
 American Redstart |
 Magnolia Warbler |
 Broad-winged hawk |
 Wood Thrush |
 Lincoln's Sparrow |
 Bullock's Oriole |
 Sanderling |
 Sanderling |
 Sanderling |
 Red-necked Phalarope |
 Eastern Screech-Owl |
 Common Tern |
 Common Tern/Arctic Tern? |
 Black-throated Green Warbler |
 Black-bellied Plover |
 Marbled Godwit and Whimbrel |
 Whimbrel |
 Northern Parula |
 Hooded Warbler |
 Hooded Warbler |
 Blackburnian Warbler |
 Northern Cardinal |
 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
 Mississippi Kite |
 Palm Warbler |
 Golden-winged Warbler |
 Black-and-White Warbler |
 Cattle Egret |
 Golden Eagle |
 McCown's Longspur |
 Tricolored Heron |
 Tricolored Heron |
 Hooded Warbler |
 Hooded Warbler |
 Marbled Godwit |
 Marbled Godwit |
 Caspian Tern |
 Western Sandpiper |
 Western Sandpiper |
 Semipalmated Plover |
 Black-bellied Plover |
 Savannah Sparrow |
 Whimbrel (6 of 174) |
 Whimbrel (19 of 174) |
 White-throated Sparrow |
 Willet |
 Caspian Tern |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler |
 Snowy Plover |
 dark, juvi Red-tailed Hawk |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Eastern Phoebe |
 Eastern Phoebe |
 Black-crowned Night-herons |
 Ferruginous Hawks |
 Ferruginous Hawks |
 Black-chinned Sparrow |
 Black-chinned Sparrow |
 Black-chinned Sparrow |
 Black-throated Sparrow |
 Black-throated Sparrow |
 Eastern Phoebe |
 Swainson's Hawk |
 Franklin's Gull |
 Neotropic Cormorant |
 Neotropic Cormorant |
 Neotropic Cormorant |
 Bonaparte's Gull |
 Sandhill Cranes |
 Red-naped Sapsucker |
 Mew Gull |
 American White Pelican |
 Thayer's Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull |
 Long-billed Dowitcher |
 Greater Yellowlegs |
 Franklin's Gull |
 Franklin's Gull |
 Horned Grebe |
 Red-tailed Hawk |
 American Avocet |
 Greater Yellowlegs |
 Lesser Scaup |
 American Tree Sparrow |
 Sage Thrasher |
 Cinnamon Teal |
 Western Meadowlark |
 Mandarin Duck |
 Mountain Bluebird |
 Western Bluebird |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Thayer's Gull |
 Thayer's Gull |
 Southern Flying Squirrel |
 Red-shouldered Hawk |
 Tufted Titmouse |
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
 White Ibis |
 Swamp Sparrow |
 Pine Warbler |
 Palm Warbler |
 Palm Warbler |
 Hermit Thrush |
 Fox Sparrow |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Brown Pelican |
 Blue-headed Vireo |
 Brown-headed Nuthatch |
 Song Sparrow |
 Red-tailed Hawk |
 Red-tailed Hawk |
 Ferruginous Hawk |
 Ferruginous Hawk |
 Ferruginous Hawk |
 Barrow's Goldeneye |
 Barrow's Goldeneye |
 Winter Wrens |
 Winter Wren |
 Red-naped Sapsucker |
 Rock Wren |
 Williamson's Sapsucker |
 Eastern Towhee |
 Dark-eyed Junco (Grey-headed) |
 Black Rosy-Finch |
 rosy finches |
 rosy finches |